I am confused about these three Links, what are the different ways to use them? Nav.Link Link NavLink i Do they have different use cases?
I'm using React-bootstrap to make a progress bar. Easy enough, it works: <ProgressBar className="progress" striped now={this.state.now} label={this.state.pr
I wanted to open/load a react bootstrap model box component (Modalbox.js) to App.js, but the modal box open button code in App.js, how to do that? please help.
I have used react bootstrap navbar also used react-scroll for smooth navigation. It's working fine but navbar is not collapsing when clicking any nav item in th
I have used react bootstrap navbar also used react-scroll for smooth navigation. It's working fine but navbar is not collapsing when clicking any nav item in th
/* Here is my container in my react component */ <Container fluid className="graph-container"> <Tabs id="graph-buttons" var
Is using plain CSS inline "style" and React-Bootstrap "className" at the same time a bad practice? <FormControl type="search" placeholder
I have a form that is used for both Adding and Editing an Organisation. If the form is in Add mode (default) then you also create a default Admin user as part o
I am using next.js, react18 and next-auth. I have a login component that checks the session and displays a login or logout link, depending on you are logged in
I'm using react-bootstrap modal. How can I make only body to scroll and not all the page? <Modal.Dialog> <Modal.Header> <Modal.Titl
I am having trouble making the image centered in the slider. Please see my carousel here https://wordpress-website-headless-v2-c9jivybjd.vercel.app/ it is creat
Does anyone know if you can use react-bootstrap with Next.js? I am using the latest versions of both, I can provide code at this point, but right now my app is
I have an API rendering some user data, first- and last name etc.: users = [{ firstname: 'Peter', lastname: 'Pan' address: 'someAddress' }, firstname:
I am using React Bootstrap Table and I want to add Horizontal Scrollbar only to the last two columns. Last two columns should be wrapped in a scrollable contai
Can someone tell me how to change the width of my React bootstrap button? I am just playing around with it I've imported the Button component from react-boot
I want to change the color of the tabs used in react-bootstrap. but when I change the style it goes for the content and not the tabs. How can I do it.
I began my react app with create-react-app, then I installed react-bootstrap with npm, then I used in my index.js import 'bootstrap/dist/css/b
I want to create simple block buttons, that span the entire div. I am using react-bootstrap package to do this in React. Here is the code I am using:- <Conta
I made an app using create-react-app and then I ran npm install react-bootstrap and then npm install bootstrap Then in my main src/index.js file, I imported Boo
I have a ReactJS application, I have a page that has a table there is a create button for creating a new record that opens a modal to enter the data. That works