Category "react-css-modules"

React, Emmet, Visual Studio Code, and CSS-Modules

Is there a way to configure emmet in visual studio code to use React's CSS modules? When I type... div.container and hit tab, it becomes <div className="con

CSS Modules - Mark/wrap whole file in :global

I have a huge complicated file, I don't want to go to each line and add :global(.......). Is it possible to mark the whole file global?

Workaround to add className to Fragment in React

I am trying to create a stateless component in React with the sole purpose of acting as a reusable wrapper. I am also using CSS Modules because I want to have f

Apply CSS Module class name by directly accessing the DOM

I have a component that makes use of CSS-Modules, by means of the babel-plugin-react-css-modules plugin. At some points during the lifetime of the component I

CSS Modules Breaking in Production with Create React App

I'm using css modules in a create-react-app project (React V17.0.2 / React-Scripts V4.0.3). All seems well in local but the styles break in production (hosted