I have a component MyContainer which has a state variable (defined via useState hook), defines a context provider to which it passes the state variable as value
Instead of having many dependencies for individual hooks, I am interested in a single curated and tested library like Vueuse, but for React. Does something like
I don't understand why useCallback always returns a new ref each time one of the deps is updated. It results in many re-render that React.memo() could have avoi
I don't understand why useCallback always returns a new ref each time one of the deps is updated. It results in many re-render that React.memo() could have avoi
I'm using the React Native FlatList module to show data that is stored in an firestore collection. This data should rendered into an content box with an colored
My app returns a "null is not an object" Render Error when consuming the useFetch custom hook that I made to get async data using axios. The status, error, and
I make a table to get stock price quotes, it works well, but when I try to put a function include setState in the component, it falls into an infinite loop, it
I've created a very simple custom hook: export function useI18n() : [ string, Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>> ] { const [ language, setLanguage
I've created a very simple custom hook: export function useI18n() : [ string, Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>> ] { const [ language, setLanguage
What I'm attempting to create is a React component which conditionally renders when the value of the prop boxToggle is true, and also returns null when the user
I created my app with create-react-app and tried to use react-router on it. but it's not working at all. I am using react-router-dom 5.3.0 version. But if I typ
I have an array of objects being rendered in a table with a react-perfect-scrollbar instance. The code is the following: const myComponent = ({ myArray }) =>
Using react native with expo-location for a mobile app, I would like to unsubscribe from Location.watchPositionAsync which returns a promise with a remove() met
I am trying to update my React application to use MVVM as an architecture pattern. I initially built it out with Hooks and Redux. I've come to find out that eve
When I click on Submit, it gives an error "required". But when i type text it doesn't take first character. On entering first character it only removes "require
I am trying to update my React application to use MVVM as an architecture pattern. I initially built it out with Hooks and Redux. I've come to find out that eve
I'm trying to add a key-value pair to an object using useState inside map function. However, the spread operation in setContainer({...container, [data.pk]: data
I am using react-chartjs-2 library. I have used HorizantalBar which will receive data through props dynamically from parent component. I have wrapped Horizantal
I have tried what is written on their @tawk.to/tawk-messenger-react plugin docs? I have made a component like /components/Chat.js import TawkMessengerReact from
I am using React-TypeScript for my project. For state management, I am using React-redux, for function handling I am using redux-saga. For gluing the redux stor