Category "react-native"

React native keyboard covering input

I have pages with inputs aligned to the bottom of the page, when the keyboard pops up it covers the inputs. To solve this I am using, KeyboardAwareScrollView Ho

RecyclerListView Warning in React Native App

I'm getting this warning while I'm running my React Native App. Can anyone pls help me out? I couldn't find any issue in the code. But I'm still getting this wa

React Native Components Override styles "leaking"

I'm trying to build my own component library specific to my React Native app using the Atomic Design Methodology, so I have small components like Paragraph, Tit

How to implement an Equalizer in Track player?

I am developing a project in react-native for music player. In this project i have to implement equalizer ,can anyone suggest a library for this?

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `source` supplied to `Image`, expected one of type [string, number]

hello guys I face with that issue,could you help me! { "createdDate": "25 April 2022", "critique": "string", "description": null, "patient": { "name": "deneme",

React-Native: Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {}). use an array instead

I'm creating an app with react-native and I wanted to create a scrollView with some divs inside and I used .map() to create them using the info from another fil

ui-kitten for react native web

I have successfully implement the react native web support in react native project. And i have install the @ui-kitten/ library. but when i run in the web it giv

How to Display a Video Preview in React Native Expo?

I am using a file picker (expo-images-picker) in React Native (Expo) where users can select images or a video. I would like to be able to show a preview of the

MSAL is not working on Android Release build - react native

I am trying to test Android release build with MSAL custom login page, which works fine on debug mode. Though, on release mode, I am getting this error: Could n

getPropertyAsObject: property -- react native from 0.62.0 to 0.64.0

I am trying to upgrade my react-native project from version 0.62.0 to 0.64.0 when i run the app on android, i get the following error: Error: getPropertyAsObjec

How to make react native app communicate with local machine (ios)

I need to know ALL the things I need to do in order to allow a react native app communicate with a local server running on my mac. (I'm running react native on

How to convert buffer to image with react native

I am using pouchdb with react native (expo) to store the local data and also the images and when trying to recover the image I get the following data Object {

App crashes when picking image with expo-image-picker

I have an issue with my react native app. I am using expo-image-picker to take a picture and send it to firebase. Here is my issue: When building the apk for my

React Native Community DateTimePicker value.getTime is undefined

Hey guys I have few questions regarding the community version of the RN DateTimePicker (

React native crypto stream module is undefined

I'm giving a try with [react-native-crypto][1] in order to learn how to convert nodejs to be used in React Native project in the future. Unfortunately, I couldn

.tsx files throw errors while .js files work fine

in react-native, when I try to pass parameters to functions/components/etc, typescript files will always complain and it won't work until I have specified the t

How to check if a key is pressed/held down using event listeners and hooks in React Native?

If I need to know whether a key like the shift key is currently being pressed, how can I find that info? This solution should assign this info into a single var

react-native-track-player Play one song and stop / await user input implementation

I am trying to use react-native-track-player in my app. The functionality of my app requires that one audio track is played, and then it needs to await user inp

Lottie working on an Emulator But not on real Device

I have lottie library in my project built on react-native. followed These installation steps on an android, but to my surprise the animation works on fine on em

React Native / Expo / NativeBase - fontFamily "Roboto_medium" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync

I am creating a mobile app using Expo and would like to use NativeBase for UI components. No matter what I try to do I get this annoying error: fontFamily "Robo