Category "react-native-image-picker"

NativeFirebaseError: [storage/unauthorized] User is not authorized to perform the desired action

I'm having problems uploading an image to Firebase Storage. I'm using React Native's @react-native-firebase/storage and the installation and connectivity seem t

Image is showing extremely slow when selecting from ImagePicker

I have not been able to figure out what might be the problem on why after selecting an image it takes 1-3 seconds just to show the picture. The array of images

request formData to API, gets “Network Error” in axios while uploading image

I am making a POST request to server to upload an image and sending formdata using axios in react-native. i am getting "Network Error". i also try fetch but n

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeImagePicker.default.showImagePicker')

Using React Image Picker i am facing this error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeImagePicker.default.showImagePicker') This is wh

react-native-image-picker getting reverse height and width

I am using react-native-image-picker library to capture image code as follow: launchImageLibrary({ includeExtra: false, mediaType: "photo", selectionLi