Category "react-native-web"

ui-kitten for react native web

I have successfully implement the react native web support in react native project. And i have install the @ui-kitten/ library. but when i run in the web it giv

How to check if a key is pressed/held down using event listeners and hooks in React Native?

If I need to know whether a key like the shift key is currently being pressed, how can I find that info? This solution should assign this info into a single var

How do I post a message to a iframe (not webview) in React-Native?

I'm currently working with React-Native and need some ideas on how to solve an issue I'm having involving iframes (not WebView). I have a functional component w

Customize TextInput Label of the react-native-paper in the case of React Native Web

I'm working with the React Native Web and React Native Paper library with Styled Components. Basically I would like to customize the TextInput inner components:

How to set document title by React Native Web with react-navigation?

My web application is created by React Native Web with react-navigator. react-navigator sets RouteName as document.title in default. ex. <Stack.Navigator scr

Expo build:web builds huge bundle and slow website with bad performance

The bundle size produced by expo build:web is huge at average 3mb. I completed steps at My app has no images so no

RN Web, href in TouchableOpacity: onPress >navigation, onRight click > context menu with possibility to open link

I have a site with TouchableOpacity that uses react-navigation to navigate to another screen. Is it possible in some way to add href to this button so I could o

RN Web + Firebase: snapshot listeners unsubscribe in unmount vs in global unmount (using context)

In short: which is most memory + cost efficient way to use Firestore snapshot listeners, unmount them always at screen unmount or have the unsubscribe function

React native web support

I have project in react native and it was build in iOS and android successfully. I have not used react native cli for that project. Now I have to give support f

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `value` of type `number` supplied to `TextInput`, expected `string`

in react-native, I have: Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `value` of type `number` supplied to `TextInput`, expected `string`. I have a postalCode an

Sharing components made with Native-Base between ReactJs and React Native Projects

I am trying to share components between a ReactJs and React Native project. I have been successful in being able to share components that use React Native, but

React Native Web keeps removing `aspectRatio` property from style. How do I prevent thsi?

I'm trying to get react native component to return a View with an aspect-ratio: 4.3 using: const component = () => <View style={{aspectRatio: 4 /3}} >{