Category "react-native"

react native for web: expo-camera failed to scan qrcode

I am developing a web app with react native for web, and I want to scan qrcode but it does not work, without errors. I put the codes on snack, ran it on mobile

Flex React Native -- How to have content break to next line with flex when content reaches edge

I have a list of icons inside my styled container that are displayed in a flexDirection:'row' but when there is more icons than width of view, they dont break t

What is the difference between React Native and React?

I have started to learn React out of curiosity and wanted to know the difference between React and React Native - though could not find a sati

firebase-js-sdk v9 doesn't work with react native? Error: While trying to resolve module `idb`

trying to use firebase-js-sdk v9 for my react-native project but app build fails due to the following idb related error. Does anyone know anything about this is

New React Native project with old version of react native

I am trying to create a new react native project which should utilize an older version of react-native. The result I would like would be to do something like:

React Native - Sticky footer at the bottom of container

I'm trying to make a <View> called footer stick at the bottom of the right container. Here is a live example: If I make th

React Native, TouchableOpacity wrapping floating button get nothing

I'm creating a simple action button (floating button) This is working : <View style={{ width: this.props.size, height: this.props.size, borderR

FlatList calls `onEndReached` when it's rendered

Here is render() function for my simple category list page. Recently I added pagination for my FlatList View so when the user scrolls to the bottom, onEndReach

FlatList calls `onEndReached` when it's rendered

Here is render() function for my simple category list page. Recently I added pagination for my FlatList View so when the user scrolls to the bottom, onEndReach

How to add a comma in after every element except last element in React JSX

How can I add a trailing comma after every element of an array for making a list like: INV, INV, INV, INV Note that the last element doesn't have a trailing c

React native with Core photo upload

I want to upload photos with React Native. My API attempt from Postman resulted in a positive. But React Native didn't make it. React Native function upload

React native with Core photo upload

I want to upload photos with React Native. My API attempt from Postman resulted in a positive. But React Native didn't make it. React Native function upload

Margin and React Native Paper is not working

I am trying to move the "three-dot" menu to the right side. So I put a {marginLeft: auto} for it. But, it's not moving to the right. What is the problem? Also,

cannot initiate expo bare workflow with typescript

I`m trying to initiate expo bare workflow with typescirpt. But after I type "expo init [project name]" in command window, I cannot find minimal(typescirpt) opti

How to get current location using react-native-maps

Im trying to render a map at the current user geolocation on android device, using react-native maps. Here is what i've got so far: import React, { Component

mixed payload data fields in react signup form

I am really new to react i created a sign up form but when posting data values are mixed I created onchange and onsubmit to track changes and submit the to back

TextInput style is not updating if there is an emoji in text value

TextInput style is not updating if there is an emoji in text value however without emoji the text value color is updating. I would like to know why this issue i

GIFs not animating in the Android version of my React Native app

I am struggling to get my GIFs to animate on the Android version of my RN application. The iOS version is animating the looping GIFs as expected but I only see

How to overlap images in react-native

I'm interested in creating a custom badge on top of an avatar (profile image), except I can't seem to get images to overlap. I tried using a 'translateY' style

ReactNative Flatlist onEndReached not working

Im trying to call a function on onEndReached of a FlatList but it's not working. I'm calling the this.state.pageNo at the end and it's not updating. I want to