Category "react-native"

Reat Native & RTK Query - Call an other endpoint when request is success

I am new in Redux & RTK Query and I do not understand how I can fetch data from another endpoint when response of another endpoint is succeed. I created an

How to use expo StoreReview.requestReview()

I’m trying to use StoreReview from expo, to ask the user to review the app. I’m trying to understand how the flow should look like. I probably need

React-Native-FBSDK login doesn't return email

I'm trying to use the default <'LoginButton ... > for login in the app through Facebook login, but I can't manage to get the user's email. This is my but

setState inside useEffect doesnt update UI

i am trying to fetch multiple endpoints in UseEffect and depending on it's result show data on the UI (avatar, username, etc.) Problem is, that the data receive

How to use expo StoreReview.requestReview()

I’m trying to use StoreReview from expo, to ask the user to review the app. I’m trying to understand how the flow should look like. I probably need

Else if statement inside return in React Native

I'm newbie in react-native , and I have a problem with how to make else if inside the return, currently I have error which says, and I want to else if the ScanR

Build error of react native run iOS on M1 Macbook

I initialized new react-native project with "react-native init ReactNStudy" for first time on my M1 Silicon Apple computer. Metro builder worked without any pro

Promise allSettled is not a function

I planned updating some Promise.all to Promise.allSettled in my React Native - Expo Project but the function does not Exist. i checked all Versions and everythi

Trying to use GoogleSignIn in React Native then Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: Error: DEVELOPER_ERROR

I've enabled the Google SignIn on Firebase using this link My App compiles fine but when I press the Login button and sel

React native expo grayscale underneath

Is there any way to make grayscale color to all element underneath an overlay view? A look I want to achieve is something like below:

Push notifications sound not coming

I tried to use like below I am using pyfcm to send notifications ( push_service = FCMNotification(api_key) push_service

onLoadEnd is not fired in react-native Image

hi am trying to load an remote image. onLoadStart is hitting but not the onLoadEnd ` <View style={{ paddingTop: 60, paddingBottom: 10 }}>

expo map and camera are not working after building apk React Native but working fine during Development and testing

When I’m testing my app inside expo app everything works perfect! But, when i build a android binary using expo build:android the camera and camera roll s

React Native: Change text colour in Paper Button

I am relatively new in react native. I can easily show button (with shadow, etc) as in here. <Button mode="contained" color={'#f08e25'} contentStyl

React Native Samsung Universal Link stopped to work after upgrading to Android 12

Using a Samsung S10e on Android 12, I was able in the past to open our React Native application ( throug

react-native-webview href html tag not wrapping and going off screen

The long href url content inside my WebView does not go to the line and makes the view scrollable horizontally when it should break the text and make it go to t

"APKs are not allowed for this application" when submitting an expo build to play store

I'm trying to submit a build to Google play internal testing but it fails with the error: Google Api Error: Invalid request - APKs are not allowed for this appl

CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Flipper-Folly"

I have been trying to run ios for a new but kept getting this error ** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: CompileC /Users/struggle/L

React Native line-through not centered

The strike through is not vertically centered. My code is like this: <Text style={{textDecorationLine: 'line-through', alignSelf: 'center', fontFamily: const

filter search bar not showing up

I'm trying to create a filtering search bar to sort through a limited set of data pulled from an API. The code compiled successfully, however despite having an