Category "reactive-programming"

Why is reactor context throwing "Context does not contain key" when .block() is called?

I have a WebFilter that injects a context public class MyWebFilter implements WebFilter { @Override public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchang

Exception Handling for async WebClient request

Recently I have been working with WebClient. I am creating both a sync request and an async request. In a sync request, I am able to catch WebClientResponseExce

Get body as raw string from ServerWebExchange/ServerHttpRequest

I need to get the request body as a raw JSON string in my controller. I'm using Spring WebFlux. If I could change @PostMapper function signature, it will be so

Make iterations of a loop sequentially in Mutiny

I am new in the reactive programming world. I am currently working in a Java reactive application using the Mutiny library. I need to develop a loop that waits

Combine bind Publisher to PassthroughSubject

This question has effectively been asked before (Combine assign publisher to PassthroughSubject) but the answer assumed the architecture of the question's examp

Jave webflux process a String-response with id's

I've a reactive API which receives the following String (image below). I want to process these ID's and perform a search query to my MongoDB and return a Flux w

Role of Message passing in reactive systems

Following is an excerpt from here: The foundation for a reactive system is message-passing, which creates a temporal boundary between components that allows th

Reactor Mono, how to synch process (using .map()) and return Mono<void> from response.setComplete()

I have this method which gets redirection url and then redirect to that url private Mono<Void> redirectToUrl(ServerHttpResponse response, String status

How to mock Spring WebFlux WebClient?

We wrote a small Spring Boot REST application, which performs a REST request on another REST endpoint. @RequestMapping("/api/v1") @SpringBootApplication @RestC

How do you take an initial sample from a flux?

The sample operation takes the first entry from flux after the duration. How can I make it such that I take the first entry on subscribe and then do the rest?

How to convert Mono object without blocking?

Suppose I have this method: public static Mono<String> getData2() { return Mono.just("7"); } I want to call this method, get back the string, convert

How apply pagination in reactive Spring Data?

In Spring Data, we have PagingAndSortingRepository which inherits from CrudRepository. In reactive Spring Data, we only have ReactiveSortingRepository which in

ORM framework for reactive applications

I have been looking at spring-data-r2dbc for reactive DB access. But it seems it doesn't provide any ORM suppport, as stated on the project's page, it is not an

Spring R2DBC - Connect to a SQL Server Database using Windows Authentication

trying to connect with MSSQL server with windows authentication using reactive(R2DBC) JDBC driver #Data Source Configuration spring: r2dbc: url: r2dbc:mss

RxJava- CombineLatest but only fire for one Observable's emission?

Let's say I have two infinite Observables that can emit values at any moment. They combine to create a Observable<ProcessFileEvent>. Observable<Intege

react native - requiring unknown module

I have been trying to load local image files in ListView. It does work when I hard code: return <Image source={require('./public/image1.png')} style={{wid