Category "realitykit"

3D artwork that is exported as USDZ has different colors

I want to start by saying that I am new to SceneKit and playing with AR environments on iOS. I have a 3D model object, a van, as part of a Blender file(.blend)

RealityKit – Adding ModelEntity to an ARGeoAnchor

I am in USA (Houston, TX) and I am trying to add a ModelEntity in RealityKit to a specific geo location. But I am not able to see the entity anywhere. Am I doin

Why does RealityKit memory does not clear after deinit called?

I cannot manage to release my RealityKit ARView() from memory. I am aware that there were similar issues with ARKit + SceneKit with workarounds which doesn't so

How can I replace a ModelEntity in RealityKit?

I want to switch the ModelEntity from the fvBoatAnchor.fvBoatObject to the fvBridgeAnchor.fvBridgeObject with the click of a button, but I'm not sure how I do i

RealityKit as a framework to build 3D nonAR apps

RealityKit has an option for .nonAR camera, but lacks fundamental options to build 3D nonAR apps, like camera control (.allowsCameraComtrol). Is it viable to us

How can I calculate a distance between two AnchorEntities?

There's a position which is SIMD3 and there's AnchorEntity. I want to get distance between two. How I did it: var distance = distance(position, (self.modelentit

ARView counterpart to SCNView's SCNTechnique?

I have made project with ARKit that uses metal shaders to perform a mirroring effect, and this is assigned by using sceneView.technique. I am trying to figure o

Change a rotation of AnchorEntity in RealityKit

I placed 3d object to ARViewController after 3 seconds of placing object, then I want to rotate object by 90 degrees: arView.scene.addAnchor(anchorEntity) Disp

How to move a model and generate its collision shape at the same time?

I have ModelEntity in SwiftUI and it moves. But the problem is: when adding generateCollisionShape method, it doesn't move anymore. I want a collision effect as

RealityKit – Get a model entity from USDZ file

I haave a file (exists in main bundle with target membership checked) named matrix.usdz and need to load it with do { let path = Bundle.main.path(forResour

RealityKit app and lower iOS deployment target

I have an iOS app with deployment target iOS 10+, I need to add some features that depend only on RealityKit to appear with users whom their iOS version is 13+,

Can I track more than 4 images at a time with ARKit?

Out of the box it's pretty clear ARKit doesn't allow for the tracking of more than 4 images at once. (You can "track" more markers than that but only 4 will fun

ARKit: How to add button to ARView in storyboard?

I am brand new to ARKit (and a novice in swift) but I am trying to create a basic AR app. I am following this tutorial in which a simple scene is created essent

Reality Composer and dealing with multiple surfaces

I want to know if there is a way for the scenes that gets exported from the reality composer to deal with multiple surfaces in the real world. So for example,

Challenges with RealityKit and ARKit

I want to build a demo app in ARKit and I have some questions about what is currently possible with the beta (Apple has been calling this RealityKit, or ARKit 3

What's the difference between ARAnchor and AnchorEntity?

I'm currently doing some experiments with RealityKit. I've been looking at some sample code, and I'm a bit confused about the differences between ARAnchor and

How to set a known position and orientation as a starting point of ARKit

I am starting to use ARKit and I have a use case where I want to know the motion from a known position to another one. So I was wondering if it is possible (lik