Category "redirect"

Add the result of a Powershell Start-Process to a file instead of replacing it with -RedirectStandardOutput

I use the following command in Powershell to convert files in the background but would like to log the results all in one file. Now the -RedirectStandardOutput

Add the result of a Powershell Start-Process to a file instead of replacing it with -RedirectStandardOutput

I use the following command in Powershell to convert files in the background but would like to log the results all in one file. Now the -RedirectStandardOutput

ReactJS API call - Need redirect URL in response from request with 30X status without redirecting

I have an API which returns 30X response and redirects to a specific URL. But, I want to get redirect URL from response without redirection. I am using this in

Redirect http to https on apache not working for http links that include a filename

I have recently setup SSL on my apache server (the server is hosted on DigitalOcean). I have followed the instructions to setup the certificate and edit to the

Redirect page to url Next.JS

I have a simple web page running next.js, the page just returns the "Hello World" element and I would like it to redirect me to another URL (youtube) instead. I

Keycloak: Disable redirect to account page after password reset and show message

I am using Keycloak and I want to enable Forgot password flow. I have enabled Forgot password in login and configured SMTP to send email. What I get out of the

Redirect URL to another domain with same path in Ghost CMS redirects.json

I try to use Redirect.json for redirect URLs in ghost CMS. I use this in redirect.json file [{         "from": "/([

domain won't redirect with HTTPS

I'm trying to set up a 301 redirect from to is already correctly set up to redirect HTTP to HTTPS (using GitHub Page's "E

Add route parameter to Blazor server app's index page

I'm developing a Blazor Server app using .NET 6.0. I would like for the index page to utilize a route parameter: @page "/{vendorId}" @functions { [Paramet

How to redirect to external url onClick? in React

I'm using react-router which means i'm storing routes in app.tsx file. I have cards components that need to redirect to an external url onClick. So my question

JavaScript triggered redirect not working on site opened in facebook webview

Opening our ecommerce site from within the Facebook app on Android, opens the page itself in a Facebook web view. When performing the purchase, an external app

Symfony redirect if already loggedin from login page

I'm using FOSUser Bundle to login. Now if user is already loggedin, how can I redirect user to homepage ('/'), if user visit to /login url. I have copied Secur

Django: At the view level, can I add a 'noindex' header to a 'redirect' response?

I can use robots.txt, and I can use custom Django middleware, but I'd like to know whether this is something that can be done at the view level.

Why is request.user is anonymous in Django RedirectView?

There are a lot of questions similar to this one, but none quite capture the situation I am in. I am coding a Django/ React app and I have integrated with Spoti

NGINX GeoIP2 blocking countries and implementing custom 403 page

This is driving me mad, hopefully someone can help. I have the following warning: But the 403 page is not friendly to blocked countries, I want to redirect peop

Nginx follow redirect and reverse proxy last location

I'm trying to reverse proxy an URL that have a N redirect 301 inside. I want to follow all the pages and then reverse proxy the last page (fourth-url.php). Is

Redirect http to https in Django (using sslserver)

I have a django project working with HTTPS using django sslserver.I want http to be redirected to https. I tried adding SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True which does no

How can I set a flash variable in Next.js before a redirect?

Laravel in PHP made this easy with, so I figured Next.js would have an easy way too. I thought I'd be able to do

IIS URL Rewrite - Change Beginning of URL

I would like to replace with

Reevaluate Nuxt.js middleware without a route change

I'm wondering if it's possible to essentially "reevaluate" the middleware conditions without actually changing the current route. The middleware's purpose is to