Category "reduce"

freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Use the reduce Method to Analyze Data

I am in the freeCodeCamp Use the reduce Method to Analyze Data challenge. I tried: function getRating(watchList){ // Add your code below this line var count

retrieve store data from react redux

I'm new to redux, I can't get data from the store.I get this message in the console: Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a

Boolean values list to integer in Python

I'm having trouble with this lambdas syntax. I'm trying to translate a list of booleans to an integer value, but I'm getting an error, I don't understand why.

How to sort array of objects by dates and make new arrays which will contain all objects with same date [closed]

I have a very specific problem in Javascript. I have array of objects, and each object contains some date. const array = [ {name: 'first', dat

Reduce javascript map change key dynamically

I would like to have the array in output using the input array in the reduce function. But I can't manage to dynamically add a key like this "${keyOrigin}": cur

Using reduce() to find min and max values?

I have this code for a class where I'm supposed to use the reduce() method to find the min and max values in an array. However, we are required to use only a si

How to group array or column based data by a specific item's/column's value while summing-up the values of another?

We are building an integration in a SAAS product which exports data from a table and writes it to a CSV file. Tool allows JavaScript (Which i am not very famili

How would you use .reduce() on arguments instead of a specific array or object?

I want to define a function .flatten that flattens several elements into one single array. I know that the following is not possible, but essentially I would li

Java Stream: divide into two lists by boolean predicate

I have a list of employees. They have isActive boolean field. I would like to divide employees into two lists: activeEmployees and formerEmployees. Is it possib

python: union keys from multiple dictionary?

I have 5 dictionaries and I want a union of their keys. alldict = [dict1, dict2, dict3, dict4, dict5] I tried allkey = reduce(lambda x, y: set(x.keys()).un