I have a piece of code that throws exception and I dont quite understand why. public async Task<List<CategoryVm>> Handle(GetCategoriesListQuery re
I am trying to do a deep copy a source object's property values to the destination object's property of the same name. The problem I have run into is is that if
In C++, can I check whether a certain function has been declared "extern C" or not? I don't mind checks restricted to the current translation unit. I'd like to
I am creating a .Net core project using VS Community V 8.10.2 on my Macbook air. I created a parent .Net Core MVC project and created multiple class library pro
I have an interface IProcessor and multiple processors implementing this interface: Processor1 : IProcessor Processor2 : IProcessor I want to inject these proc
I'm trying to use Go's reflection system to retrieve the name of a function but I get an empty string when calling the Name method on its type. Is this the expe
I have an interface with a default method, and two classes which implement this interface. One of the classes overrides the default method, and the other does n
I have a number of objects. Some of them have string properties and some of them have bool properties. I'm using them in multi-step form. so each step is bound
I'm trying to measure the time for certains method of some specific classes. I'm using ByteBuddy and I created the following interceptor class: public class Ti
C# 8.0 introduces nullable reference types. Here's a simple class with a nullable property: public class Foo { public String? Bar { get; set; } } Is ther
I am trying to upgrade my application Java version from v1.8 to v17. There are some unit tests which are using Reflection to set value of priv
I want to call a private functions of class SomeClass from outside of this class: class SomeClass { private fun somePrivateFunction() { //... }
So I would really want some way of detecting Field changes of a certain object. I have googled for quite a while but haven't found anything. So basically all I
In java8 it was possible to access fields of class java.lang.reflect.Fields using e.g. Field.class.getDeclaredFields(); In java12 (starting with java9 ?) thi
I need to write a simple code tester program, but I got stuck comparing the given error class with the test expected class. I am supposed to use reflection in t
This exception occurs in a wide variety of scenarios when running an application on Java 9. Certain libraries and frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, JAXB) are parti
I am picking up quest parameters for my game from a CSV. The parameters include a stat tracked, e.g. "CardsDeployed", and conditions for what kind of cards are
I want to do special functionality if I encounter a Kotlin class as compared to a generic Java class. How can I detect if it is a Kotlin class? I was hoping
How do I create empty array of a type given by reflection? I have tried using the Activator.CreateInstance(Type) method: Type arrayType = typ
In Swift it's not possible use .setValue(..., forKey: ...) nullable type fields like Int? properties that have an enum as it's type an Array of nullable objec