Category "regex-group"

Python regex remove dots from dot separated letters

I would like to remove the dots within a word, such that a.b.c.d becomes abcd, But under some conditions: There should be at least 2 dots within the word, For e

Is it possible to use only lookaround to match characters that are not repeated immediately before and after?

For example, to match the first slash after the domain name in the URL. Intent: Only match '/' in '.com/...' but not any '/' in 'https://'. url = 'https://examp

How to write a regex capture group which matches a character 3 or 4 times before a delimiter?

I'm trying to write a regex that splits elements out according to a delimiter. The regex also needs to ensure there are ideally 4, but at least 3 colons : in e

Regex expression to capture only numeric fields and strip $ and comma, no match if there are any alphanumeric

I'm trying to write a regex that will strip out $ and , from a value and not match at all if there are any other non-numerics. $100 -> 100 $12,203.00 -> 1

Vim Regex Negative Look Arounds and Capture Groups

Say you have the following text foobar bar And you want the following as your desired output foobar foobar You could use the following regex s/\v(foo)@<!(b

Java Regex Groups within groups

I'm struggling with regex since an hour now. So, just below this is my text I want to parse. AddAgenda("Gangster's agenda", { TEAM_HITMAN, TEAM_POLI

Renaming namespaces on C# according to the last folder in the file path

I am trying to create a snippet that names a namespace in C# using the name of the last directory in the file path, but it returns everything that comes before

Match list of words without the list of chars around

I have this regex (?:$|^| )(one|common|word|or|another)(?:$|^| ) which matches fine unless the two words are next to each other. One one's more word'word commo