Category "regex"

Regex - Search VSCode files for one string following another (multiline) but where another string doesn't appear between them at the start of a line

In VSCode, I'm looking for all files that contain a return statement followed by the word use but that don't have const [A-Z] at the start of a line in between

grep positive/negative integer value only

I am looking to grep any positive/negative integers only and no decimals, or any other variation including a number. I have a testpart1.txt which has: This is a

Using foreach instead of map and grep in perl

my @a_columns = map { s/^"|"$|\n|\r|\n\r|"//g; $_ } split /;/, $s_act_line; above mentioned is my code. i am getting automatic warning while merging this code

Seems RegEx's 'OR' operator does not work

I have a pattern of regex that should match input that way: Work -> correct {"name": "name"} -> correct (any correct json format object) War And Piece -&g

Golang - extract links using regex

Golang - extract links using regex I need to get all links from text which are in specific domain using Regex in Go Below are all possible links that

Inserting a variable string inside my regex is not working in javascript [NOT a duplicate]

Hi, I have this code: var regcat = /\b(aa1)[a-z]\d+[.][g][i][f]\b/; var testit = "aa1a2.gif"; console.log(regcat.test(testit)); it produces TRUE as expected b

Using Angular Validators to create a restriction of 6-12 characters, but NOT of length 9

I am trying to create a Angular Validator that allows me to validate a string of both letters and characters of lengths 6-12 inclusive, but not of length 9. I h

Regex to match strings not enclosed in macro

In a development context, I would like to make sure all strings in source files within certain directories are enclosed in some macro "STR_MACRO". For this I wi

PHP - Check if string contains words longer than 4 characters, then include "+ *", and for those shorter than 4 characters include only "*"

I manage to do partially just one part, but cannot make the second part work. If a word has < 4 characters, only * should be included at the end of that wo

How to write a regex capture group which matches a character 3 or 4 times before a delimiter?

I'm trying to write a regex that splits elements out according to a delimiter. The regex also needs to ensure there are ideally 4, but at least 3 colons : in e

Regex for 16 hex char string that contains at least one letter

I want to write regex to recgonize a hex string with length of 16 bytes, for example: 1a2b3c4d1a2b3c4d The following answers is NOT correct: [0-9a-fA-F]{16} b

Regex for 16 hex char string that contains at least one letter

I want to write regex to recgonize a hex string with length of 16 bytes, for example: 1a2b3c4d1a2b3c4d The following answers is NOT correct: [0-9a-fA-F]{16} b

Remove underscore and number at the end of string

I am working with a dataset that has column with some underscores. There is a patter to it but they are different patterns, as shown below ID Col1 1029

How to validate a character set in terraform variable?

i need to validate a variable in terraform. The content of the variable should be only 0-9, a-z and A-Z. Im tried it with following code: variable "application_

Word boundary with words starting or ending with special characters gives unexpected results

Say I want to match the presence of the phrase Sortes\index[persons]{Sortes} in the phrase test Sortes\index[persons]{Sortes} text. Using python re I could do

Regex to match code with fixed country code and variable wildcard usage

I need to implement a regex which cover several requirements. These are the following: A length restriction to max 8 chars should be done (with or without wildc

SQL: Use RegEx to return multiple substrings of a specified string in column

I am querying metadata on Snowflake which contains a column of queries: select query_name from metadata query_name SELECT * FROM SYSIBM.SQLCOLUMNS SELECT * FR

Dart support for using Script Property Values in Regular Expressions

The Unicode regular expression documentation describes doing complex matches for text. Specifically, I am wondering about matching various scripts within a stri

assertj recursive comparison ignoring regex failing after upgrade from 3.18.1 to 3.21.0

I have updated my springboot , along with that my assertj also seems to have upgraded. Now the test which was initially working in the older version is failing.

RegEx for email with only one special character

I am trying to modify a regex for emails (gmail) that should contains special characters like _%+-. but only one, not more I made 2 test cases below that are bo