Category "remix"

Matic Remix Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [execution reverted]

I forked a contract, it is a Baked Beans fork on MATIC, I deployed the contract through Remix, now when I try to deposit through my website script, Metamask say

Contract in bsctestnet cannot be verified

I tried to deploy my tokens on BSC testnet using Remix, but I always get an error when I verify. I tried a lot of methods, but still no solution. In fact the ge deployment on Vercel: process not defined error

I have deployed a remix application on Vercel. Further, I have defined some environment variables in Vercel and want to perform some checks and use env variable

Failing transaction when calling a funciton from geth console

I am discovering the blockchain world step by step, but I am facing a problem that I can't solve. I am using this simple smart contract from the Solidity docume

Web3.js 1.2 invocation smart contract method and can not return correct result

When I invoke the smart contract deployed, I don't get the correct result! I have googled, but can not fine any help. Here is my contract: pragma solidity >=