Category "replace"

Powershell - add string after 14th 24th 36th 46th and 55th character following a word

We have many files which contain header lines beginning with HDR that need to be updated for clarity. I am new to coding in powershell and would like to know h

Use Wildcards in Replace Function in combination with 2D Array Values

I'm trying to go through a list with two columns and replace some of the text in the second column. I want to search for values using wildcards in combination w

How to replace values in column when other column is not nan or replace with other?

I am new to Pandas, I am looking for solution where I can replace one column values with other columns. For eg: Replace value of col A with the values in Col E

Replacing characters from string in python list

I have a list of names of apple products in random format. like take a single product name iphone 11 pro which can be found Iphone 11 Pro or iphone 11 Pro, or a

How do I force a blank for rows in a dataframe that have any str or character apart from numerics?

I have a datframe >temp Age Rank PhoneNumber State City 10 1 99-22344-1 Ga abc 15 12 No Ma xyz For the column(Phone Numbe

about replace methods in string in js

let code = document.querySelector('.Nform').innerHTML; localStorage.setItem('code',JSON.stringify(code)); let finalCode = code.replace(/ <p class="removeElem

How can I avoid warnings when importing numbers by replacing comma's with a dot in a MySQL table?

I have a table in Mysql that looks like: CREATE TABLE `overig`.`test`( `ID` INT(10) AUTO_INCREMENT, `Order_ID` DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL, `Price_total` DECIMAL(12,2)

How to print html code tags in a specific element?

<div class="container"> <pre> <code class="language-html"> <h1>I want to display html tag</h1> <

remove consecutive substrings from a string without importing any packages

I want to remove consecutive "a" substrings and replace them with one "a" from a string without importing any packages. For example, I want to get abbccca from

Need replace text with single quotes in SQL

I need to make a script that make a replacement of all the registers of a column that contains: '@xxxx', removing the single quotes. (xxxx could be empty or any

Use of Replace() in Python Dataframe for Multiple Columns but same value

Query: I need to replace the 1 old value with the 1 new value for a bunch of columns (not all columns) in a dataframe. The question is about the syntax to be us

js/ts translate internal commands

I am currently trying to translate some text-based console-log processing into JSON format. Console.log commands: give = "entitytest"; give entity.u

how can I remove some NA rows but not all of them

I have multiple data frames with information about listed companies from the year 2000 So I want to put them in a list (lets call it df) because I want to do re

Replace_na with map function

penguins %>% map(~replace_na(list(.=0))) Why the code above didnt work to replace na in the dataset penguins? The result is below # A tibble: 8 x 1 .

Find and replace with PowerShell based on the next line

I'm trying to find and replace via PowerShell based on what's on the next line of the line I want to replace. For example, the following text file: blahblah

Better way to remove HTML tags in Oracle SQL

I have a comments column and the comments added to release are stored as rich text in comments column. Now i'm trying to process this data and get an human read

Using "register recall" to search and replace doesn't work when register contains newline character

I've been using the answer to Using visual selection or register for search and replace as follows: v visually select y yank :%s/ Ctrl+r " This works fine in mo

How to replace a value with NA across an entire dataframe

Is there any way to replace all the "-95" that can possibly exist in a dataframe with NA across all the columns?

Issues with replacing/updating files in tableau

enter image description here I'm a new tableau user, so please bear with me as I try to formulate my question. I just ran my 1st set of monthly reports this wee

How to replace double spaces with one space in filenames (also subdirectories) (CloudLinux Server release 6.10)

I want to replace double spaces with one space in the filenames of a lot of photos. These photos are located in directory /foto and it's subfolders. How to do t