hello there I was trying to add this repository allprojects { repositories { google() mavenCentral() } } but don't know why I'm getting
I cloned a repo from github I made, I did some changes. My repo on github has 2 branches, main and dev. I want to push my changes to dev first and then main. I
I cloned a repo from github I made, I did some changes. My repo on github has 2 branches, main and dev. I want to push my changes to dev first and then main. I
There are several posts on stackoverflow about this question, but I'm still not able to understand it fully. Different architectures like the layered architectu
So, I'm currently working with an Airflow installation via MWAA. I'm having this issue with a broken dependency, specifically: ERROR: pip's dependency resolve
i'm using flutter bloc. i want to emit the data from a repo to a state. how do i get the data from the repo to show in the cubit? This is my cubit: void getPro
I created a django project and want to share it with my team members, however in the settings files it contains some passwords for the database etc. Of course w
I have an Object defined that has ChildAccountList of Strings as one of the attributes. Is there a findBy method that I can use such that it will return the li
How do I use a parameter multiple times in the same query? Here is my Query: @Query(value = """ SELECT * FROM person WHERE first_name = ? or last_name =
I cannot find a single article/example of this scenario but here is what I am attempting to do. I want to create AWS Amplify infrastructure using a AWS CloudFor
If someone tries to implement the CQRS pattern without repository in DDD, in which layer should it be done? Infrastructure or Application Layer?
I have a repo with 2 folders - 1 for the server, 1 for the client, and each folder has its own package.json file. I am trying to deploy the server to Heroku, bu
I have two ADO repositories named private2 and public2. private2 references public2 as a submodule: I also added a yaml file (vsts-cicd.yml) for build as follo
I use the command git log --all --decorate --graph --oneline very often and I want to create an git alias for --all --decorate --graph --oneline. I tried with
I would like to see what the code in a whole repository looks like of a specific release. As an example, I'd like to view the code for Apache Airflow as of vers
Here is my test Class: @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest public class UpdateRestaurantTest { @MockBean private RestaurantRepository restaura
i have one repository. In this repository multiple folders are available. i have required only one folder in this repository. i am already try to following co
I want to get the access (read) files with text which located on another repository. Is it possible to do at all? We faced the problem of preserving the histor
I am using macOS version 11.2.2 BigSur. I don't seem to be able to create a GitHub repository on the web (I am using safari). The button is greyed out or you sa
My goal is to download the Boost repository if it isn't found and then build it the default way, i.e. using boostrap and b2 tools. I know, I can download it l