Category "request"

Nodejs Axios Error: Hostname/IP doesn't match certificate's altnames: "Host: (URL). is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*"

I'm trying to request an API from a third party server from a shared hosting server, so i don't have root access, and receive this error, but when i try it from

How to POST multiple images to FastAPI server using Python requests?

I would like to send multiple images to FastAPI backend using Python requests. Server side from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile, File from typing import List

How can I send a soap request using flutter with two arguments and a wsdl

I am trying to send a soap request with two arguments using flutter. The wsdl can be found at this address I didn't found any ways to only send a request with

Android - onRequestPermissionsResult() is deprecated. Are there any alternatives?

I tried to implement request permissions for writing and reading from storage. Everything worked good but today Android showed me that the method onRequestPermi

How to solve flutter web api cors error only with dart code?

It seems like CORS error is well-known issue in the web field. But I tried flutter web for the first time ever and I faced critical error. The code below worked

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: summary

I have something wrong in my curl command and after a couple of tries I can't figure it out. The full error log: curl: (6) Could not resolve host: summary curl:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: summary

I have something wrong in my curl command and after a couple of tries I can't figure it out. The full error log: curl: (6) Could not resolve host: summary curl:

I am trying to understand what exactly is signature query parameter in binance

I am trying to access this endpoint, where signature parameter has to be sent as query parameter

Node/Express I can't get the header set up in my route

I have a backend that uses Node and the Express framework and a frontend in React. The code is in Typescript. My backend uses the elastic search client to fetch

Server response problem with character encoding format in Spanish

I'm tryng to retrieve information from the following url:

is it possible to send an action request to a mobile phone?

So I have an AWS EC2 instance. When ROUTE_1 receives a request from a mobile phone, I want the RESPONSE to the mobile phone to achieve three things in sequence.

Modify Request Headers Using ExpressJs

Is it possible to modify request headers using ExpressJs? I have an expressjs app server that interfaces with multiple backend services and I'd like to have thi

What is this message on the KuCoin API? code: '200000', msg: 'The interface is offline'

I'm trying to perform a transfer operation from my main account to a trade account using the KuCoin API but I'm getting the result: { code: '200000', msg: 'The

successfully display json in flutter, but not showing on android screen

I've managed to display API data to flutter, but strangely it only appears in the debug console, but when hot reloaded, the data appears on the android screen.

How to get the data from POST request (API) in Python from sothebys site

I hope you are doing well. I have post request from which I want to get data in my jupyter notebook. I used the POSTMAN to check the data. Its working fine in t

Can't request to using nodejs

I want to write a program to show some npm packages, there's example code: const https = require('node:https') const url = '' co

How to set Object array to CURL POSTFIELDS?

I'm gonna send json array field using CURL POSTFIELDS. but not working. JSON data is below: { "Searches": [ { "Facets": [

How to speed up python data parsing?

I have such a task - i need to parse the site in the form of a taxonomy and save to csv, that is, upload 24,000 links, that is, I uploaded 800 links to a file,

How to get more than 10 search results from the IMDB API?

I am trying to suggest movies to an user who has entered a movie genre, e.g. "horror", "sci-fi", etc. For this, I have written a function that makes an API call

Getting a response status code with lua-request

How is it possible to get the response status code of a request using lua-http ? If that is not possible with it what module/library should i use ?