I am using ResNext architecture for classification. the training dataset contains approximately 31000 images distributed among 61 classes. And validation datase
My model is a resnet-152 i wanna cutting it into two submodels and the problem is with the second one i can't figure out how to build a model from an intermedi
I have a resnet18 pretrained model, now I want to change as feature backbone into MobileNet using pytorch , please suggest any optimal way is available or not
I am working on a modified resnet, and want to insert dropout after activation layers. I have tried the following but due to the model not being sequential, it
When I'm trying to implement the following code from keras_segmentation.models.segnet import resnet50_segnet from keras_segmentation.predict import model_from_c
I am using a ResNet152 model from PyTorch. I'd like to strip off the last FC layer from the model. Here's my code: from torchvision import datasets, transforms
I'm trying to Implement Inception_resnet_v2 inside Faster-RCNN instead of using ResNet50. but when I try to run the code I got this TypeError: TypeError: Inputs