Category "responsive-design"

Shrink a YouTube video to responsive width

I have a YouTube video embedded on our website and when I shrink the screen to tablet or phone sizes it stops shrinking at around 560px in width. Is this standa

Responsive font size in CSS

I've created a site using the Zurb Foundation 3 grid. Each page has a large h1: body { font-size: 100% } /* Headers */ h1 { font-size: 6.2em;

Trouble with sticky footer, 2 column responsive layout with wide browser support

I need to create the following layout: Two equal height columns Sticky footer (positioned at bottom in light content, pushed off page in heavy content) Responsi

How to reload a div for equal height child on window resize

I wrote a script to give equal height to child elements of wrapper. It is working fine on page load, but when I resize or change the orientation of my iPad, the

Responsive image slider using picture element?

Does anyone know of an open source code or snippet example of a responsive image slider with < > navigation controls that uses picture element when resi

jQuery - Execute scripts based on screen size

Is it possible to only run certain jQuery scripts if the screen/device size is above xxx pixels wide? So, for example, I only want to run a slideshow when peop