Category "rest-assured-jsonpath"

Extract a value in a json response with a variable

I am trying to return the id of a declared variable from a json file: i want my java code to search for the previous variable in the json response and once it i

RestAssured - Get values from nested object using Groovy gson path

How to use rest assured to get the list of all the zips from the below below structure? { "persons":[ { "name": "", "age":""

How to get value from json using restassured

I have json and there is array of 'products'. { "data": [ { "contact_id": "...", "email": "...", "first_name": "...", "hash_campai

I am getting an error "Failed to parse the JSON document", I have used JsonPath

//Get place { String getPlaceResponse = given().log().all().queryParam("key", "qaclick123").queryParam("place_id", placeId ) .when().get(

Exception in thread "main" Connect timed out

When I run the script using web API automation rest assured framework, I am not getting the proper api response and below are the error are posted. at java.base

Getting java.lang.SecurityException - "org.hamcrest.Matchers"'s signer information does not match

I am executing below Rest Assured Program: io.restassured.RestAssured.baseURI ="http://a.b.c.d:9200/e/f"; Response responseNew=null; req