Category "restore"

EXIT CODE 1 when restore sql file in postgres

I have an SQL file which is manually generated. I use the code below to create it. conn = psycopg2.connect(host=t_host, port=t_port, dbname=t_dbname, user=t_nam

How to convert wav to mp3 and mp3 to wav while keeping the same size

I cannot find out how I can convert a wav to mp3 and mp3 to wav. Does anyone know how to convert a .wav file into a .mp3 or .ogg and later convert back into .wa

Azure website restore error

I am getting the following error when restoring a website backup (deployment slot). I am making the backup and trying to restore it using the azure management p

From where alsa getting their default states?

I am trying to get knowledge on alsa. When I saw it, it is automatically storing the previous states of the mixer controls and restoring them in the reboots. So