Since some time it seems the NtlmAuthenticator of RestSharp is deprecated. The somewhere mentioned method of setting setting.UseDefaultCredentials = true; isn't
So I have to API's running on Kubernetes. One has a controller function as such: string filePath = "/blobs/data/runsession/" + folderName; if (!Directory.Exists
I have a problem uploading an image to Wordpress from a VB .NET project (using Restsharp). I create the client and the request for this, I added a header with t
Our organization is removing our proxy web servers and integrating Zscalar. We were informed that all we had to do is remove the proxy property/settings. So I
Azure function (Timer trigger) uses Restsharp to make a REST call to an external API, which is failing with error A connection attempt failed because the conne
I am mimicing a user buying a product on a website: All that works fine, the HTTP session adds the product to cart, submits delivery informat
Are there any REST(Http) Client libraries available for .net core 2 like RestSharp..? I have been using RestSharp but it doesn't support .net core 2 so looking
I need to call a Post service with RestSharp var client = new RestClient(url); var request = new RestRequest(url,Method.POST); request.AddHeader("Content-t
I'm trying to simulate a simple multipart HTML form in C#. I was successful posting text as parameters using the addParameter function. Now I want to upload a
I have to post this json data: JSON.stringify(dataRest) is: {"Ds_MerchantParameters":"eyJEU19NRVJDSEFOVF9BTU9VTlQiOiI3Myw4NCIsIkRTX01FUkNIQU5UX0NVUlJFTkNZIjoiOT
I am trying to call a locally hosted WCF REST service over HTTPS with basic auth. This works and the Authorization header comes thru just fine and all is happy