Category "restsharp"

Using NTLM/Kerberos on RestSharp since v107

Since some time it seems the NtlmAuthenticator of RestSharp is deprecated. The somewhere mentioned method of setting setting.UseDefaultCredentials = true; isn't

Using RestSharp to aend files between to API's on Kubernetes

So I have to API's running on Kubernetes. One has a controller function as such: string filePath = "/blobs/data/runsession/" + folderName; if (!Directory.Exists

WP Rest API - Upload image to WP using Restsharp

I have a problem uploading an image to Wordpress from a VB .NET project (using Restsharp). I create the client and the request for this, I added a header with t

RestSharp issues integrating with zscaler product will not work on IIS Server 2012 R2

Our organization is removing our proxy web servers and integrating Zscalar. We were informed that all we had to do is remove the proxy property/settings. So I

Azure function call other API,failed with 'A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,,,'

Azure function (Timer trigger) uses Restsharp to make a REST call to an external API, which is failing with error A connection attempt failed because the conne

Trying to submit a payment, to a 3rd party payment gateway, through POST request :S

I am mimicing a user buying a product on a website: All that works fine, the HTTP session adds the product to cart, submits delivery informat

REST Client for .net core 2

Are there any REST(Http) Client libraries available for .net core 2 like RestSharp..? I have been using RestSharp but it doesn't support .net core 2 so looking

RestSharp body always empty

I need to call a Post service with RestSharp var client = new RestClient(url); var request = new RestRequest(url,Method.POST); request.AddHeader("Content-t

Upload a file via POST using RestSharp

I'm trying to simulate a simple multipart HTML form in C#. I was successful posting text as parameters using the addParameter function. Now I want to upload a

Post JSON Object RestSharp v107

I have to post this json data: JSON.stringify(dataRest) is: {"Ds_MerchantParameters":"eyJEU19NRVJDSEFOVF9BTU9VTlQiOiI3Myw4NCIsIkRTX01FUkNIQU5UX0NVUlJFTkNZIjoiOT

RestSharp - Authorization Header not coming across to WCF REST service

I am trying to call a locally hosted WCF REST service over HTTPS with basic auth. This works and the Authorization header comes thru just fine and all is happy