Category "robotframework"

Getting WebDriverException error while using Edge browser in robotframework

I am getting the below error while using Edge as browser in my script (Chrome is working fine) WebDriverException: Message: 'MicrosoftWebDriver.exe' executable

Getting TimeoutException: Message: timeout: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 300.000 only when using Jenkins for Switch Window on Chrome

I'm using different web urls in tabs in one browser, in order to get the required value from one website and add it to the other. I use a robot framework for th

Error when executing a test whose .sql file has variable (Robot Framework)

I have the following situation, could you help me? I would like to leave some dynamic data (variables) inside my .sql file and execute my test correctly in .rob

How to include Variables file that is part of an installed pip package

I'm currently having trouble including a Robot Framework "Variables" file that is contained within a python pip package. I can successfully include files in thi

How to write Robotframework log and any keyword output in one line?

I want to print the output of any built-in or custom keyword using Log command in one line. for eg. Log Evaluate 1 + 2 This shows error that value of INF

Unable to run/debug robot tests in vscode - robocorp extensions installed

I have installed Robocorp Code as well as Robot Framework Language Server and have configured them. However, I am still having errors when trying to run the tes

Current Date Format using robot framework

I already generated current date and time ${date}= Get Current Date UTC exclude_millis=yes ${convert}= Convert Date ${date} result

How to call class method in robot framework?

I am getting error "No keyword with name 'addition' found." py file class A: def addition(self,a,b): print(a+b) obj=A() obj.addition(4,5) robot code

I am using mac notebook pro, and i installed ride when i try to create test case i am not seeing grid in the test case

I am using mac notebook pro, i installed python 3.8,robotframework-seleniumlibrary==6.0.0,wxPython==4.1.1 and robotframework-ride- and in project folder

Pabot: How to use different dataset for each thread

I'm trying to Use Pabot to parallelize Robot Tests. Let me explain the issue. Assume I have TestA and TestB tests. And DataA , DataB dataset. There is 2 way/ go

Connect to SQL Server in Robot framework | Maven Dependency

I'm trying to connect to SQL server in robot framework, so I've added the following code in pom.xml file: <!--

Robot framework module vscode not loading: Error calling "robot.get_version()"

when adding the mentioned extension, the below error appears and I can't continue the automation: Error calling "robot.get_version()". If the module: <module

Report Portal - How to avoid unwanted logs in console?

I get the below messages for every test step, which is bit annoying. I need to process the console logs in a different way. send: b'PUT /api/v2/superadmin_pe

Report Portal - How to avoid unwanted logs in console?

I get the below messages for every test step, which is bit annoying. I need to process the console logs in a different way. send: b'PUT /api/v2/superadmin_pe

RobotFramework: Finding Xpath containing text

So my link at the below location contains the words 'Download certificate' xpath=//*[@id="training_list_table"]/tbody/tr/td[5]/span/a/text() I want to be mor

Can we use selenium for testing desktop applications?

I am testing a WEB and Desktop application (cross OS application: Windows - Mac - Linux) and I'm using RobotFramework to automate the tests. For the Web I use S

How can I get get a particular piece of data from an email?

Good morning! I'm trying to automate the process of logging into my email account, accessing the first email there, opening it and retrieving the necessary code

How do I locate elements inside a canvas for robotframework automation testing?

I'm using robotframework and python to write automation test cases. But for Tableau graph, it is inside a canvas tag. I want to click some elements (dynamic) in

try to run Appium on real device but got Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device

I have problem while automation iOS on real device , during i starting test I got erorr Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it

Error: Opening Robot Framework log failed

If I open any .html file that generated by Robot Framework and try to convert it in any other format(for example, docx formate) using either any python code or