Category "roles"

How to configure a ClusterRole for namespaced resources

I want to allow a ServiceAccount in namespace A to access a resource in namespace B. To achieve this I connect the ServiceAccount to a ClusterRole via a Cluster

Clickhouse RBAC implementation

I have been looking at the RBAC documentation but I cannot find something specific, like default roles or a set of privileges that will apply to a common role.

How to create and set permissions of a role at the same command in discord.j?

I have been trying to make a command that creates the roles that are necessary for some actions of the bot and I have successfully made the code for creating th

Laravel same route for different middlewares

I have problem with routes and middlewares. I have 5 middleware roles. Administravimas, birstonas_biblioteka, druskininkai_biblioteka, birstonas_registratura,dr

How to map LDAP Usergroups to Wildfly roles

we have javaee application running on wildfly 18. authentication is done by kerberos security-domain ( this works

Google Storage Bucket Permission to view object but not to list

I created a storage bucket with publicly accessible files. I want to ensure that viewers can view individual objects if they access them directly, but I do not

Github Actions, Deploy ARM template with Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments

i ve been trying to deploy an ARM template with Github Actions and keep falling into the same problem no matter what I tried: Authorization failed for template

403 Forbidden Error in Keycloak API (view-users)

I'm having issues trying to access auth/admin/realms/{realm-name}/users API. I've already tried everything from other questions and answers, but nothing seems t

Azure api management returns status 500 after enabling "assignment required" on Azure function Enterprise application properties

I have an application where I need both access via APIM as well as directly to the API via Azure AD authentication. After enabling the Assignment required toggl

Why role cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it

Database "mydb" is owned by role "mydb_owner". User "currentuser" tries to delete role "roletodelete" from this database using revoke all on all tables in

Cross account IAM roles for Kubernetes service account - s3 bucket

Hey im trying to cross account access for a role. i have 2 accounts: prod and non-prod. and bucket in prod account, which im trying to write files to there from

can't add 'allUsers' to GCP project

I have a GCP project and just for testing purpose, I want to grant the permission to 'allUsers'. But when I am trying to add, I am getting error Members of type

Rename default admin role in ABP framework

Is there a way to rename the default admin role to something else, e.g. system admin or super admin ? In some contexts , admin may refer to task administrator o

Google Cloud Storage confused about ACL/IAM and legacy permissions

I have a bucket whose contents I want to be publicly readable. However, I do not want the users to be able to list all of the contents by removing the keyname f

Double listbox with CollectionType/ChoiceType for user roles

With Symfony 4, I don't have this problem : a simple form to choose or edit the role of an user with a listbox. Since I start a new project with Symfony 5 (with

Subscription-scope authorization for Azure Resource Manager API user

Trying to put together an Azure ARM integration, where my code uses the Azure API to retrieve the full list of VMs in the entire subscription. Went successfull

Oracle SELECT granted but still can't access table across users

Can any one see what's wrong with this: User ABC: create table def.something ( id number, ref number references def.anotherTable(id) ); create role ROUse

Create PostgreSQL ROLE (user) if it doesn't exist

How do I write an SQL script to create a ROLE in PostgreSQL 9.1, but without raising an error if it already exists? The current script simply has: CREATE ROLE

How to check if a role exists in Sybase

Anyone know how I can check if a role already exist in a Sybase database ... i have the name of the role There is a sysroles table but no name column! select