Category "root-framework"

confusion with cppyy for overloaded methods and error handling

I have a c++ class with several constructors: MyClass(const std::string& configfilename); MyClass(const MyClass& other); I have python bindings for thi

pyROOT in virtualenv

I want to use pyROOT in a virtualenv, I have ROOT installed on my system, when outside the virtualenv I can do import ROOT and it works, but inside a virtualenv

Installing CERN ROOT in anaconda environment- packages are not available from current channels:

I am attempting to install CERNS ROOT in anaconda, for use of pyRoot. (I am using conda 4.10.3) I have set up a new environment with python 2.7, because I belie

What does this error mean ? warning: null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument [-Wnonnull]

I am not sure why I get this error or what it means ? I am trying to run a HistPlotter.C file to create histograms. However I get an error that does not make it

How to Fix: Error: Segmentation Violation and IncludePath Needs to be Updated from Debugger

I am working with ROOT and have ROOT installed in my computer. I am writing my code using Visual Studio. In my code I have the following header files: #include

CMake 'undefined reference' error with CERN-ROOT

I'm writing a small addition to CERN ROOT and now can't get rid of 'undefined reference' errors on every function from ROOT that I use (and my classes too). Can

How to add more than one header(HDRs) and object in a makefile?

HDRS = EventLoop.h Data.h OBJS = EventLoop.o Data.o dict_$(PROGRAM).o This is from my makefile, I want to add another Data.h and Data.o in it , kindly help! Tri

Need help to solve error in drawing histogram in root

this is my code I am checked it many times but it gives me an error when I run it. TFile *f=new TFile("hist.root"); TH1F *h = (TH1F*)f->Get("Phi_mu"