Category "rotation"

Azimuth mirrored after remapping axis coordinate system

I am trying to remap a device that has an alternate coordinate system. The sensor is reporting values that are rotated 90° around the X axis. The format is

translate an image after rotation without using library

I try to rotate an image clockwise 45 degree and translate the image -50,-50. Rotation process works fine:(I refer to this page:How do I rotate an image manuall

How to freeze rotation in the z & y axes directions? Unity3D

I have a platform that can swing on a wide cylinder if objects are unevenly distributed on it. To do this, I created a cylinder with a mesh collider, put a plat

How to add an orbit rotation on this script : smooth zoom and pan (work very well)

i want to use a script that work fine but need something more. This script was publish by Vpellen. So it works fine, but I want to do something more, because fi

Codility CyclicRotation Javascript Solution: Empty array returns an error

I am trying to solve this problem in codility. My solution passed all the tests except for one with empty array and rotation of 1 as arguments. I'm someway lost

Updating an intrinsic rotation with an extrinsic rotation

I am trying to model a Rubik's Cube for a personal project, using Zdog for lightweight 3d graphics. Zdog uses a {x,y,z} vector to represent rotation - I believe

Rotating an image by x angle in c

I am rotating the image by x(45 degres) angle, But I am getting some black spots in the rotated image. How to avoid those black spots!! The logic I have used

Problem animating with animatableData in SwiftUI

SwiftUI not only gives us get automatic animation… it lets us control how the animation occurs, using the animatableData property. So cool! Only I

OpenGL two rotations on one model

I have loaded a model of a coin, and I want it to constantly rotate around its axis: model = glm::rotate(model, (float)glfwGetTime(), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); But

Rotating each page in the PDF using java

Hi folks i have a few use cases i need to cover while rotating the page in the PDF . I need to check each page rotation value and rotate it to 0 degree. when i

Faster approach for decomposing a rotation to rotations around arbitrary orthogonal axes

I have a rotation and I want to decompose it into a series of rotations around 3 orthogonal arbitrary axes. It's a bit like a generalisation of Euler decomposit

How to set the pivot point (center of rotation) for pygame.transform.rotate()?

I want to rotate a rectangle about a point other than the center. My code so far is: import pygame pygame.init() w = 640 h = 480 degree = 45 screen = pygame.d

How can I rotate a matplotlib plot through 90 degrees?

I have created a figure in matplotlib which contains three subplots, one in the top left quadrant, one in the top right quadrant, and one in the bottom right qu

Rotating BufferedImage instances

I am having trouble getting a rotated BufferedImage to display. I think the rotation is working just fine, but I can't actually draw it to the screen. My code: