Category "ruby-on-rails-5"

Stylesheet renders in grover debug but not on downloaded pdf

I'm using Grover to render and download pdf copies of documents that are generated in my app and am having trouble applying css to it. When in grover's debug m

No such directory ruby.exec Errno:ENONT

I'm new to ruby on rails. I installed ruby, sqlite3, node and yarn, run gem install rails and gem install sqlite3. when I run rails new <app_name>, I got

How to use Simple Form and Direct Upload ActiveStorage

I'm having a trouble when I try to use Simple Form gem for upload video. I'm using ActiveStorage and local storage for this. My form looks like this: = simple_

How do I make ActiveRecord search multiple tables (of similar schema) by default?

I have a very large table Metrics with a primary integer key named id. The primary key is 32 bit integer and is about to overflow. My attempted solution to this

Rails—get a random record from db?

To get a single random record from the db, I'm currently doing: User.all.sample But when there are 100000+ users, it takes a few seconds to load them all, jus

Change parameter name FORM_WITH VS FORM_FOR

I am using rails 5 and the form_with helper. My code works when using Form_for, but not Form_with. Is the :as parameter not valid with Form_with? View <%= f

Rationale of Rails 5 Join Table Generated Defaults

The Rails 5 command rails g migration create_foo_bar_join_table generates the following migration: class CreateFooBarJoinTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]

Rollback entire transaction within nested transaction

I want a nested transaction to fail the parent transaction. Lets say I have the following model class Task < ApplicationRecord def change_status(status,

How do you send JSON data in a rails-ujs Rails.ajax POST call (not using jQuery)?

I have a React client app that needs to talk to a Rails API. I want to use the rails-ujs method Rails.ajax. For example: Rails.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "

rails generated CSV file can't be downloaded

I'm trying to export my database to CSV file and download it but it doesn't download. I have a form with 2 different actions, Export to CSV and Export to JSON I

Rails 5 reads environment variables as string in YAML file

I have a Rails 5 app and I am trying to import my Environment Variables in a yaml file, which I can then import in the environment.rb. My config/aws.yml looks a

Change the default value for table column with migration

I try to change the default column value from false to true. But when I run rake db:migrate VERSION=904984092840298 I got the following ERROR. StandardError: A

Why won't Rails.cache store API responses?

I am trying to cache the results of API calls. My application makes multiple calls with the same result and I would like it to use the cache to save time. When

Rails: During asset precompile throws error key must be 16 bytes

I am storing my secret key in environment and /config/environments/production.rb has config.require_master_key = true uncommented config.require_master_key = t

How do I drop a foreign key if it exists in Ruby on Rails?

There's a function called index_exists? in ActionRecord, but no foreign_key_exists? on Rails 4.2.7. So when I call remove_foreign_key :parties, :franchise_gr

Pluralizations and Singularizations (Inflections) for "Media/Medium" in Rails 5

I'm working with Rails 5 an I just have created a Media model using scaffold tool. rails g scaffold media name:string And I got different names and routes and