Category "ruby"

Ruby bundle install fail

My system is macOS m1 chip. I'm using ruby to bundle install from gemfile, but it seems like the llhttp-ffi gem has conflict, I'm not really sure about the prob

Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer in Rails using rest-client

We have a Ruby on Rails application and this has a "search" functionality (search for some company). From browser user key-in some name and hit search and this

generating barcode for Barby gem under EAN-13

While attempting to render in HTML a collection of article barcodes and proceeding incrementally to view the data (relative to other objects on tha page), the c

Ruby green_shoes flows

System Setup Windows 10 Education Edition 64bit Ruby 2.3.0 green_shoes installed via gem install green_shoes I am new to green shoes and ruby in general. I

Setting session timeout in Rails 6

I need help on the timeout configuration on the rails 6. I tried to configure the /config/initializers/devise.rb, but it's not working, any assist will be appre

How to pass context to a Ruby method defined in C/C++

I am currently writing a set of API bindings to the Ruby interpreter. The problem is that the binding definitions are not static and retrieved on initialization

mimemagic install error: "Could not find MIME type database in the following locations..." on Windows [duplicate]

I am running into the following error when trying to install mimemagic 0.3.10 in a Ruby on Rails project. Note that it is run on a Windows env

M1Mac : rbenv install 2.6.6 Build Failed

When I tried to install ruby2.6.6 on my mac using rbenv, I got a "Builed Failed" message. Initially, I ran it as follows % rbenv install 2.6.6 Downloading rub

response checksum or hash not matching in payumoney?

When notification is passed to the app after payumoney processing it sends response hash and we need to compute the hash and match it with the passed in respons

Error while doing mina setup

I am using mina to deploy my rails app. I am using aws with nginx and rvm. Whenever I do mina setup I get Permission denied (publickey). ! Command f

Capistrano deployment error in rails application

I am getting this error on doing cap production deploy in my rails application my net-ssh version is 5.0.2 can anyone please help me how i can fix this. My serv

How to add jemalloc to existing rails server using rvm?

how to add jemalloc in a working ruby on rails server?We installed ruby using rvm. Rails version:5.2 Ruby version:2.5.1 I tried ruby -r rbconfig -e "puts R

How to use parallel_tests in github actions

I'm trying to use parallel_tests in my github action to run my test suite but I was not able to find a proper solution. The official docs has one but it is for

Time ISO 8601 in Ruby

I am trying to return a date with this format 2015-10-07T00:32:50.877+0000 I have tested that => "2015-10-21T09:47:50-04:00" but i d

Cocoapods points to wrong version

I had some problems with one version of the project. I've found this answer where someone suggest steps to remove all cocoapods-connected stuff from the machine

How to merge duplicates in a column in Ruby on Rails?

I have this filter here for sign name. What I want to do is if I have more than one name of the sign to merge the content together Check the image attached. I h

Rails render error code with jsonapi-rails

I want to render error code property, as JSON API specification describes, with jsonapi_errors method in jsonapi-rails gem. How could I set the code property in

Capistrano commands

Can anyone tell me why the following command will not work. execute :zip, :'-r', './version/files/', :'.',:' -x', :'./version/*' The linux versio

Ruby On Rails - NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

I'm trying to run on a new computer some ruby code and I receive the following error (rails db:migrate --trace) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke db:

I18n::InvalidLocale: :en is not a valid locale

I am trying to use I18n.transliterate to "normalize" some text with accented characters so I can analyze and compare it with different languages. However, when