Category "rxjs"

React unsubscribe from RxJS subscription in useEffect

A quick question regarding RxJS in useEffect hooks I've noticed the React community uses this unsubscribe pattern with RxJS: useEffect(()=>{ const sub = in

Wait until a certain value is true in RXJS

I am using angular and rxjs with an external service : I have the following method (simplified) getElevation(pos: Cesium.Cartographic): Observable<number&g

WebSocket from HTTPS website to different port, self-signed certificate

I am facing issues when trying to connect from a browser via WebSocket to a server. Website is hosted on a default port (80, 443, configurable - this is s selfh

Angular RxJS - Subscribe to Observable only IF subscribing to another Observable gave a certain result

I need some kind of special RxJS syntax if it exists for this scenario: this.electronicInvoiceService.getElectronicInvoice(this.invoiceId) .subs

edit inline angular (change detection strategy, subject, behavior subject)

my output Here is my code: I am just a beginner for few days. I dont understa

Angular 11: core.js:1141 Uncaught Error: Type DecoratorFactory does not have 'ɵmod' property. at getNgModuleDef (core.js:1141:15)

The project (Angular 11, rxjs, material, @swimlane/ngxdatatabe) can be build and serve with no error message. When loading the landing page from Chrome, it is s

How to receive a type from Angular 12 reactive dropdown list when change fired

in an Angular 12 reactive form, I have a dropdown list which is hooked up to fire on the change event. Now the data populating the D/D is of a Type rather than

Sending Multiple Post Request in Parallel on Angular

I have to Send Multiple Post request with same URL but different payload and to check status of each request, if its failed or success. and then i want to check

BindCallback observable never get next value, while manual bind works

using google.maps.places.PlacesService and the getDetails query the method signature is (method) google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails( request: goo

NodeJS with ESM: internal/process/promises:246 | triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */) | finalizer.unsubscribe is not a function

I am creating an observable (RxJS) in NodeJS using ESM. Inside the observable I am performing a query with mongoose. I get the result, but the console returns e

Returning Value from inside NgRx Select

Seems a simple question but I am new to RxJs. How do I return the value from a store subscription so that it is not an observable but the actual value? I am cal

How to set a delay on Error in Angular / NgRx Subscription with Interval

I would like my interval to wait 5 seconds on an error before trying to hit my service again. Much like it does on a successful call. Using Angular 12 and NgRx

How to set a delay on Error in Angular / NgRx Subscription with Interval

I would like my interval to wait 5 seconds on an error before trying to hit my service again. Much like it does on a successful call. Using Angular 12 and NgRx

How to chain subscriptions and return a single observable

i m trying to chain 3 subscriptions in a service and return an observable so all the components can subscribe single observable. When i console.log "_campaigns"

How to get a certain post, its tags and comments from Wordpress REST API using switchMap and then combine the resulting values using JS?

I am working on an Angular app that needs to fetch a certain post with a given ID, its respective tag names and comments from Wordpress REST API. This applicati

How can I save the state of a component after navigating to another component in Angular 8

I have 2 components: HomeComponent and CityComponent. They do not have any relationship. After navigating back to the HomeComponent, the state of the CityCompon

Function with RxJS and combineLatest sometimes works and sometimes doesn't

If you call this function multiple times with the values of the observables obs1 and obs2 being the same each time, the returned array is not always the same. g

Angular combinelatest using subject without initial value

I am using Angular RXJS, I have multiple Behavior Subjects, My problem is: I want the posts$ stream to emit initially without setting a value for the category f

How do I make sure one Subcription finishes before another?

globleVariable: any; ngOnInit() { // This doesn't work. methodTwo throws error saying "cannot read someField from null. " this.methodOne();

how to gracefully combine two Observables inside RXJS pipe

I'm building a log viewer with Angular. When a user enters the page I need to load historical logs and start watching for new ones. User can filter logs with a