I have created a VizFrame Column Chart in SAPUI5 using oData. Now I need to put fixed values in y-axis (Dimension axis) since I want to show the days of the wee
I want to nest a second view into my root view if some requirements are met. This works fine by creating a XMLView object and adding it to the <page> aggr
OpenUI5 version: 1.95 Browser/version: Chrome Version 101.0.4951.67 I have an OData v4 service with following Entity types (snippet from metadata document): "na
I know how to do that in node.js, with npm-managed libraries like uuid. But what's a decent way to do this in browser-based SAP UI5 JavaScript
I have SAPUI5 DynamicPageHeader in Fiori app, which looks like this: It has a "collapsible" link & one filter bar is selected with value in it.. When I col
I need a custom control in my app composed by a ColumnListItem followed by a (custom) progressbar spanning all the ColumnListItem width. I tried extending a sap
I need to be able to know when the DatePicker's value help button is pressed and the calendar shows up. But there is not any reference in the docs of how to
I made a dual barchart with vizframe, but I ran into a problem. The values of the two datasets don't render on the same scale. This makes the comparison of the
Below a typical action to test if a sap.m.Select contains an item with the name xyz and then select it. success: function(oSelect) { var oItems = oSelect.g
I want to change the application title (the title that appears on the tab up) when I go to a particular pattern. I am setting the title in index.html. Do you ha
I was trying to implement Component.js in my SAPUI5 application but unable to understand .extend & .prototype.init.apply method in below piece of code. sap
Problem is to print out the current year by using expression binding that was introduced with 1.28. Expression Binding is capable of executing global accessibl
Hello, It seems that table row height of UI5 Table is pretty big with lot of white space above and below the text. Is there anyway I can resize the h
I have a list of elements (OData set) and use a binding to show this list. One field is for a quantity value and this value could sometimes need some decimal pl
I am attempting to get the count of filtered OData results in a Fiori SAPUI5 application. I am able to get the correct count using both $count
for (var items in _selectedContexts) { var downloadModel = __parsed[__parsed[items].toString().split("/")[1]][__parsed[items].toString().split("/")[2]]; var
I want to create a custom enum type for the custom control like https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/docs/api/symbols/sap.ui.core.ValueState.html#.Error. My questi