Category "sass"

Horizontal scrolling in mobile view iOS

I have a horizontal gallery overflow-x: scroll that is choppy only in iphone/ipad view (Tested in Androids scrolls fine). I've seen some stackoverflow uses -web

Is it possible to assign opacity to a SCSS hex color variable, re using that variable?

I have a series of scss variables representing colors re used throughout my app, like so: $first-color: #00755E I also have colors that are the same as this fi

remove specific style from tailwind base

I have a project with tailwind and a (work in progress) UI library that we want to gradually migrate to. I am importing the style on my index.css like this @tai

Right path for live sass compiler?

What is the right path if ever I already have style/css/main.css folder? How can I map livesasscompile on the same folder? Because it will automatically map on

SCSS Background Hover

I am struggling to change the background of my link when I hover over it with SCSS. I am able to do so when I go back into my main.css, but I really want to und

Importing slick carousel theme css throws errors on webpack build

I'm trying to import slick-theme.scss in my parent scss as @import "../node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.css"; but during bundle, I get errors on

Bootstrap 4 - Reboot.scss overriding Global.scss

I am using Sage Starter Theme and I am adding some CSS to style the links globally in the _global.scss file. Some of the CSS properties are being overridden by

Module.css not loading styles NEXT js

I'm trying apply module.css to one of my components according to this guide /*/components/

line clamp (webkit) not working in safari

display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5; line-clamp: 5; -webkit-box-pack: end; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; overfl

WebStorm file watcher does not work after Mac update

This is the current settings: Arguments: $FileName$ $ProjectFileDir$/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css --source-map true --output-style expanded Output paths t

How to compile Less/Sass files in Visual Studio 2017+

In VS <= 2015 we can use a WebEssentials extension that takes care for compiling the less/sass files for us, but currently it does not support VS 2017. Is th

Responsive Typography in Angular Material

Trying to figure out how to set font size of mat-tab-label based on screen size (below 400px). I tried putting custom configs in different media queries like t

is it possible to use rollup for processing just css?

I know that Rollup is used to bundle .js files. But is it possible to use it just to process css? (css, scss, less, etc). What i mean is if i had for example in

Overriding Vuetify variables when building a Vue2+Vuetify app with Vite

I'm trying to migrate a Vue2+Vuetify app from Vue-CLI/Webpack to Vite. The app has a couple of SCSS files, main.scss and variables.scss with the latter imported

How to apply a :not selector and all its descendants

I'm using a text editor plugin with its own styles but inside I'm rendering a Mapbox map. The problem is that the editor's styles are messing up Mapbox's. The t

How do I create a scoped class without @include?

I managed to create a scoped CSS class like this: .container { @import "./baa"; /* other props ... */ } but since @import is getting depreciated,

Use both Tailwind and SCSS with cssbundling-rails

In the Rails 6 project I'm working on, we're looking upgrade from webpacker to cssbundling-rails and jsbundling-rails. We currently use Tailwind with SCSS, but

Is it possible to build an Angular app without embedded styles?

My company is going through a re-branding and it involves some color changes to our app. Most of this is just tweaking SCSS variables, but i'd like to be able

How can I get my text to be two lines with padding and ellipsis?

I'm having issues getting my text to be on two lines with ellipsis. I am able to get my ellipsis working but modifying line-height and height do nothing to chan

Using SCSS 'current selector' feature to match all class names starting with same text

Suppose, we have HTML with similar name classes. <div class="header-name">NAME</div> <div class="header-description">DESCRIPTION</div>