Category "scala"

Consume TCP stream and redirect it to another Sink (with Akka Streams)

I try to redirect/forward a TCP stream to another Sink with Akka 2.4.3. The program should open a server socket, listen for incoming connections and then consum

getStrLn in ZIO working with flatMap but not inside for comprehension

val askNameFlatMap: ZIO[Console, IOException, Unit] = putStrLn("What is your Name? ") *> getStrLn.flatMap(name => putStrLn(s"Hello $name")) val askNa

Apache Flink + CEP - Detect same events

I'd like to detect events that share the same property. Suppose I have a simple case class: case class Record(name: String, value: Int) Suppose there is the

Sum a column values based on a condition using spark scala

I have a dataframe like this: JoiKey period Age Amount Jk1 2022-02 2 200 Jk1 2022-02 3 450 Jk2 2022-03 5 500 Jk3 2022-03 0 200 Jk2 2022-02 8 300 Jk3 2022-03 9

DAG of Spark Sort application spanning two jobs

I've written a very simple Sort scala program with Spark. object Sort { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if (args.length < 2) {

How to convert list of integers to a map with frequency per bin?

Lets say I have a list of numbers: val numbers = List(15, 30, 110, 140, 170, 210) How can I count the number of integers per bin of a 100 in order to get: M

How to NOT send an assured message via solace JMS

I have a very simple producer type program that tries to send a ByteMessage to a topic. My program is receiving the error com.solacesystems.jms.ConfigurationEx

Extracting Structure Failed when importing an sbt project

I'm trying to setup Scala on IntelliJ IDE and when I create a new project it seems fine. When I import another project it errors: Extracting Structure Failed. T

How to make $filter operator inside a projection of an aggregation using the MongoDB Scala Driver

I need to filter array of embedded documents inside a projection of an aggregation operation. I know there is this new $filter operator, but I do not know how t

Static methods in interface require -target:jvm-1.8

I'm building scala project using gradle 4.5, scala 2.11.11/2.12.4 with JDK 1.8.0_162 and it was working fine until I upgrade to scala 2.11.12. With 2.11.12 I ke

Scala Single Abstract Method & Intellij

I'm just getting use to Scala Single Abstract Method which I did not know well, until I went through several blogs on Type Class. I am able after few minutes to : YAML file does not exists

When I am submitting the spark job from terminal I am getting below error that file does not exists. Although I have already placed config file to my local. spa

Apache Spark - Is it possible to use a Dependency Injection Mechanism

Is there any possibility using a framework for enabling / using Dependency Injection in a Spark Application? Is it possible to use Guice, for instance? If so,

Write single CSV file using spark-csv

I am using , I am trying to write a single CSV, but not able to, it is making a folder. Need a Scala function which wil

Converting JSON string to a JSON object in Scala

I want to convert a simple JSON string such as {"Name":"abc", "age":10} to the corresponding JSON object (not a custom Scala object such as "Person"). Does Scal

Casting Any to Tuple2

I have a Scala function which passes message of type 'Any'. In most cases it will be a tuple of size 2. The function that receives this message needs to see the

Why does calling cache take a long time on a Spark Dataset?

I'm loading large datasets and then caching them for reference throughout my code. The code looks something like this: val conversations = .f

Why don't Scala traits allow constructor parameters?

I'm new to Scala, coming from Java, and I was just reading about traits. One thing that gets mentioned often is that traits don't (can't? won't?) have construc

Intellij code style setting for wrapping on multi line function arguments

The Spark code style requires four character indentation for multi parameter methods. So: the following code -as presently formatted by IJ - is incorrect: def

Error when run jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError scala.Predef$.$conforms()Lscala/Predef$$less$colon$less;

I work on spark application using (spark 2.0.0 & scala 2.11.8) and the application works fine within intellij Idea environment. I've extracted application a