Category "scope"

Mocking scope function in Kotlin

I am using following object creation methods in kotlin class Resource( referenceFactory: ReferenceFactory, id: String,

Mocking scope function in Kotlin

I am using following object creation methods in kotlin class Resource( referenceFactory: ReferenceFactory, id: String,

Svelte reactive statement with a variable fron onMount

I'm trying to style the currently active tab of my web project with the class "active". To target my tab elements I am using onMount(() => { const li

Handling the token expiration in fastapi

I'm new with fastapi security and I'm trying to implement the authentication thing and then use scopes. The problem is that I'm setting an expiration time for t

YDNJS: scope and closures hoisting wrong example [duplicate]

I am reading YDNJS: scope and closures, And in chapter 4 which talks about hoisting it says that Function declarations that appear inside of

What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?

What is the scope of variables in javascript? Do they have the same scope inside as opposed to outside a function? Or does it even matter? Also, where are the v

Does bc not limit a variable's scope?

Define the function in basic calculator bc as define void f () { test=42; print "all done\n"; } I'd have thought the value of test would be limited to the scop

If let is not hoisted or they goes in temporal dead zone, then why this snippet is throwing error, when it could have just used the global reference

var a = 6; { console.log(a) let a =55 } when i execute this snippet I get following as error message: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'a' before initiali

Why won't Variable update?

I'm currently editing our new employee script for AD and I am running into an issue, I added 2 radio buttons for the home folder, one radio button will update t

How do I create a scoped class without @include?

I managed to create a scoped CSS class like this: .container { @import "./baa"; /* other props ... */ } but since @import is getting depreciated,

What is the purpose of the script scope?

When inspecting scopes of a function in the DevTools console I noticed a "script" scope. After a bit of research it seems to be created for let and const variab

ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `Tag' before initialization

Hi I'm working on a Vanilla JS SPA project, and I wanted to implement some principles from React, but just in plain JavaScript. But there is an issue with impo

Variable scope in protractor

I am running protractor and jasmine to run unit tests. I need to know the build version of my web app in order to execute different tests. I have declared a v

Tauri window.__TAURI__.fs.readDir(... is unable to read directory - Error: path not allowed on the configured scope

I'm new to Tauri and I'm trying to read / ls a directory. window.__TAURI__.fs.readDir("", { dir: window.__TAURI__.fs.Dir.Data }).then(... Unhandl

What value should I give the scope attribute in my manifest.json file when serving a Progressive Web App from a local IP address with a port number?

I am having a problem with web app manifest scope on my local Node JS test server. I cannot get the correct scope because the port number on the IP address gets

Error: 'else' without 'if'

Getting an else without if statement: import java.util.Scanner; public class LazyDaysCamp { public static void main (String[] args) { int temp

Adding scope to get objects in reverse order of their created time in rails

I'm new to Ruby on rails and programming. I am working on a exercise where I have a Post model,and I need to add a new scope to it to retrieve its objects in re

Why Is `Export Default Const` invalid?

I see that the following is fine: const Tab = connect( mapState, mapDispatch )( Tabs ); export default Tab; However, this is incorrect: export default const