Category "script"

Powershell - run script on multiple computers simultaneously

Im working on a script that cleanup old user account and some data from computers. I would like to run the script on 5 computers at one time from the attached l

How to copy all files using Robocopy

When I start my robocopy script, it isn't copying the last files and outputs: waiting for 1 minute and 1 change I assume that everything is copied, but apparen

How to make a pipe conditional within the same line

textfolding="ON" echo "some text blah balh test foo" if [[ "$textfolding" == "ON" ]]; then | fold -s -w "$fold_width" | sed -e "s|^|\t|g"; fi The above code w

azure devops CI , Update variable from variable group

I using that method for now:

How can I download an Adobe Connect recording as a video?

I have links to recorded online program, how can I download video from them? When I try to download, I get this warning: "You do not have permission to access t

Bash script: read 30000 records from file and run multiple process in parallel

txt with more than 30000 records. All records are one for line and is an IP like this: 1

Render angular.js template on click href

Hei friends,I'm kind rusty on mvc I need help. This is the cshtml ,my html and script is in the same page ,I want to render angular html Without refreshing page

Powershell Script Returning Blank Lines, Correct Amount of Lines for Output but nothing in Them

Problem Break-Down So I'm trying to return a list of all the security user groups a user is in but have it be broken up by manager. I take a couple of steps to

Run Adobe PDF script when document is saved

I am attempting to place the script below in Document Actions under "Document Did Save". I'm not sure how to complete the if statements. I would like the script

How to set event listeners to Google Forms in script

I created a form using Google Forms UI. Now I want to enable some Form Elements based on the data from a Textfield. function myFunction() { var form = FormApp

Script linux loop for multiple number

I have a list of Linux commands that I need to repeat up to 670. How can I automate the commands, so I don't have to do the 670 times. I don't know how to do al

How to move cursor pointer from one monitor to another, and reverse the process?

I have tried using this script down below and it does work however, after I get my cursor to another monitor I want to get back to the first monitor again, afte

Bash loop trough all users to delete password hints

I have newly started with bash and now I am facing the following problem: lukas@Lukass-MacBook-Pro Desktop % ./ delete: Invalid Path <dscl_cmd> D

How to get regex to work in a perl script?

I am working on a Linux based Debian environnement (precisely a Proxmox server) and I am writing a perl script. My problem is : I have a folder with some files

Mathematica : Convert easily a Notebook format into Wolframscript (.wls) by removing all comments on real instructions lines

I have a Mathematica notebook. I would like to generate in an automatically way this notebook to a Wolfram script that I could make run directly from terminal u

How to get .vbs output in the same window of a .bat file [duplicate]

I have a batch file that does a lot of different things and within that batch file, at some step, I'm running a VBS script. The problem is, th

Elastic search script sort text as Number

I have an Elastic search field ID which is a Number but set in the index as a "text". I cannot change the index because of the huge volume of data to reload. I

How to make a script to check if a package is installed and install it if not?

I am trying to make a bash script for work that would check the system for a handful of installed packages and if it dosent find them, install them. I have atta

How to read each cell of a column in csv and take each as input for jq in bash

I am trying to read each cell of CSV and treat it as an input for the JQ command. Below is my code: line.csv | Line | |:---- | | 11 | | 22 | | 33 | Cod

Python password reset Pexpect script execution have no effects afterword's, it throws no errors during execution

import pexpect import pxssh import sys child1 = pexpect.spawn('su root -c "passwd mansingh"') print(child1.before) #creation of log file child1.logfile = open(