Category "search"

HTML text box and button that redirects user to a page of same name not working when <form> is added

Below is a code that redirects people to a page of the same name. For example, if I type in the word 'chocolate' and click 'Submit', the user should be redirect

Searching a value within range between columns in pandas (not date columns and no sql)

thanks in advance for help. I have two dataframes as given below. I need to create column category in sold frame based on information in size frame. It should c

How to get the key of a map using the value in C++ STL

Get key by inputting the value of that key in C++ STL map<int,int> m; m[0]=8; m[8]=7; m[1562]=4; m[100]=1; auto i=m.find(1562); cout<

React Bootstrap table 2 search issue

We are using a React-bootstrap-table for the table and we are facing an issue in searching the data in the table while using pagination it searches data only fo

Why did Shift+F3 stop working in Notepad++?

F3 (find next) and Shift+F3 (find previous) work in many other editors. F3 continues to work in version 7.8.9, but Shift+F3 stopped working: it just does nothin

Elasticsearch - Want to sort by field in all indices where that particular field available or not if not then avoid it

Currently, Getting result based on scoring but what i want to do is i want a result based on scoring + Field Status with value true/false. If value is true th

Datagridview Error After Rowfilter -> Data Update/Add and Fill Process

I have a datagridview which filled by SQL table. When I search a value with a textbox in the data and update/insert the some values and use fill function again

Search or filter nested list of ul li

I have searched to the extent of my capabilities and found no answer. I would like to be able to search or filter and then display only matching items from a th

Search Listview using Textbox in C# from SQL Database

I use followng code in VB.Net to search data in listview using TextBox. This code was VB.NET i have changed this to C# according to my understanding as i am new

POP email clients search functionality failing

I am using mail on my iPhone. I have configured it to use the POP protocol so I can look at old emails without worrying about connections to a server etc.. Rec

Flutter Search bar in ActionBar like yelp app

I am trying to build an application location base and I want a search bar like this image shows. That search bar should be able search for locations and text. D

Elastic search script sort text as Number

I have an Elastic search field ID which is a Number but set in the index as a "text". I cannot change the index because of the huge volume of data to reload. I

How do I solve error with Active Directory Search using user name

Im using the the below C# code to try search active directory for a user's email address by passing username. but this returns error using System.Text; using S

Github: How to search in all Release notes of a repository?

I want to search all release notes (including all past release notes) of Pandoc Repository, Github, for search term: #4817. How can I do it?

Using "register recall" to search and replace doesn't work when register contains newline character

I've been using the answer to Using visual selection or register for search and replace as follows: v visually select y yank :%s/ Ctrl+r " This works fine in mo

PHP: set a (deep) array key from an array [closed]

is there a PHP function that would create a (deep) array key from an array ? It's quite difficult to explain, see that example: function myst

how implement search view from menu in fragments?

I am trying to implement search in my fragment but its not working. no results shown up with search text. Also all the items are gone from the view when search

How to search only in currently open files in vscode?

I usually work on larger projects with many files that would contain the search query. So I would open the files I want to modify and do a find/replace across a

How to optimize a regular expression match search in Python

The Program I am building a program that tracks which feature file steps are covered by a step definition. For example, I may have a feature step that is I sho

How to search and replace text in an XML file using Python?

How do I search an entire xml file for a specific text pattern and then replace each occurrence of that text with new text pattern in Python 3.5? Everything