Below is a code that redirects people to a page of the same name. For example, if I type in the word 'chocolate' and click 'Submit', the user should be redirect
thanks in advance for help. I have two dataframes as given below. I need to create column category in sold frame based on information in size frame. It should c
Get key by inputting the value of that key in C++ STL map<int,int> m; m[0]=8; m[8]=7; m[1562]=4; m[100]=1; auto i=m.find(1562); cout<
We are using a React-bootstrap-table for the table and we are facing an issue in searching the data in the table while using pagination it searches data only fo
F3 (find next) and Shift+F3 (find previous) work in many other editors. F3 continues to work in version 7.8.9, but Shift+F3 stopped working: it just does nothin
Currently, Getting result based on scoring but what i want to do is i want a result based on scoring + Field Status with value true/false. If value is true th
I have a datagridview which filled by SQL table. When I search a value with a textbox in the data and update/insert the some values and use fill function again
I have searched to the extent of my capabilities and found no answer. I would like to be able to search or filter and then display only matching items from a th
I use followng code in VB.Net to search data in listview using TextBox. This code was VB.NET i have changed this to C# according to my understanding as i am new
I am using mail on my iPhone. I have configured it to use the POP protocol so I can look at old emails without worrying about connections to a server etc.. Rec
I am trying to build an application location base and I want a search bar like this image shows. That search bar should be able search for locations and text. D
I have an Elastic search field ID which is a Number but set in the index as a "text". I cannot change the index because of the huge volume of data to reload. I
Im using the the below C# code to try search active directory for a user's email address by passing username. but this returns error using System.Text; using S
I want to search all release notes (including all past release notes) of Pandoc Repository, Github, for search term: #4817. How can I do it?
I've been using the answer to Using visual selection or register for search and replace as follows: v visually select y yank :%s/ Ctrl+r " This works fine in mo
is there a PHP function that would create a (deep) array key from an array ? It's quite difficult to explain, see that example: function myst
I am trying to implement search in my fragment but its not working. no results shown up with search text. Also all the items are gone from the view when search
I usually work on larger projects with many files that would contain the search query. So I would open the files I want to modify and do a find/replace across a
The Program I am building a program that tracks which feature file steps are covered by a step definition. For example, I may have a feature step that is I sho
How do I search an entire xml file for a specific text pattern and then replace each occurrence of that text with new text pattern in Python 3.5? Everything