Category "selenium"

unknown error: session deleted because of page crash from unknown error: cannot determine loading status from tab crashed with ChromeDriver Selenium

I'm using InstaPy which use Python and Selenium. I start the script per Cron and from time to time it crashes. So it'r really irregular, sometimes it runs well

Selenium ignore if element not present

I have the below code for my selenium, where I need to click on carousel icons and get all the images one by one, but sometimes that carousel doesn't have more

selenium modify html read only input element with python?

Im trying to use selenium to clear a text field from a 'read only' input field. This part of the code, although i don't get errors, it doesn't work: from seleni

unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist when running in Docker

I am trying to run chrome using Python and selenium in a Docker container running alpine. It was running fine until one day when it started throwing the followi

Cannot query clipboard when running puppeteer in headless mode

The code below works when puppeteer runs with { headless: false } but fails when it's true. The error is DataError: No valid data on clipboard.. Why is this hap

Serenity BDD Hooks implementation returns error

I am trying to implement some hooks into the serenity BDD implementation with intellij. My hooks file looks like this: package steps; import org.openqa.seleniu

Selenium and Python - Bot for Instagram Login

I'm trying to create a bot to access instagram, but I don't understand why it's giving an error, here's the code: from time import sleep from selenium import w

How can I ignore the exception if the item is not found? Selenium(selenide)

Several of my tests refer to importBrokerCheckBox. But not all tests have to find it, because he must be absent. That is, if the element is on the page, then we

ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

For some reason I get the following error only when I open up a nested webdriver instance. No idea what is happening here. I am using Windows 10, geckodriver 0

Selenium-Wire Your Connection Is Not Secure

I'm using selenium-wire with undetectable chromedriver and it's giving me: "Your Connection To This Site Is Not Secure" when I go into a site, and the https in

Pytest - Extract data generated by test run to a file/ fixture in conftest?

I am using Pytest framwork for testing a web applications. While the tests run, it generates data and store them into variables. Example: @pytest.mark.usefixt

Finding element with class name with spaces not working (selenium)

I'm trying to find this element inside a log-in page when a user inputs the wrong password <div class="form-input-validation is-error" role="alert"><

WebDriver Sample with Java error - Encountered "WDS"

I am using java as scripting language in JMeter 3.0 and jmeter-plugins-webdriver-1.4.0.jar. When I run my script which is supposed to open a browser and go to g

How to automate login to a site which is detecting my attempts to login using selenium-stealth

So, I'm trying to write a script to login on I am using Selenium for this but it somehow detects selenium when it starts an

How can we use Selenium Webdriver in

I want to use Selenium Webdriver of Chrome in for fast processing. I was able to install Selenium using !pip install selenium but the

Embedd selenium browser in pyqt5 application

from selenium import webdriver from import Service from import ChromeDriverManager from selenium.webd

How do I locate elements inside a canvas for robotframework automation testing?

I'm using robotframework and python to write automation test cases. But for Tableau graph, it is inside a canvas tag. I want to click some elements (dynamic) in

I can not select list item in selenium

What is the script for selenium in li tag. I used Xpath in selenium. driver.findElement(By.xpath(" //*[@id='select2-product_cat-container']")).click() ; But

How to integrate screenshots in allure report with webdriverIO

I'm trying to generate screenshots in my allure reports after each step in my test or just a single screenshot at the end of the test. I have referred to the we

How to find element with selenium on python?

import os import selenium from selenium import webdriver import time browser = webdriver.Chrome() browser.get('