Category "sensors"

how can I stop the song in the buzzer when there is a bright light coming in ldr sensor?

I tried doing the if else statement for the buzzer. But it finishes the song code first before the else statement runs. I tried running the code and it starts t

Flutter: Turn off screen when phone close to face

I'm doing calling feature in Flutter and I need to know whether user wants to listen with earpeace and turn off the screen, set audio output to earpeace. Is the

How to detect phone shakes in Flutter

Just started with Flutter this weekend and am making great progress. I have an app that simply changes the image on screen when the image is tapped, or, if the

Interface DHT22 to FPGA - elbert v2

Now i make a circuit to measure temperature and humidity, then display on LCD. This is my code for DHT22, i use Elbert V2. After genarating my project, it did

flow sensor with arduino

I am using the following code to read the flow through the sensor. When I plugged in my sensor to port 2, everything worked fine. But when I changed this to bi

how to change setmode(board) t setmode(bcm)

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.Board) ControlPin = [16,18,22,29] for pin in ControlPin: GPIO.setup(pin, GP