I'm not able to make SeriLog work with SQLite sink. My project setup is as follows: Packages I have installed: My SQLite database: My appsettings.json file
public class program { public static void Main(String args[]) { var levelSwitch = new LoggingLevelSwitch(); levelSwitch.MinimumLevel
I have a .NET 6 web API project with existing integration tests for some of the API endpoints. The project uses Serilog for logging and everything was fine so f
I've set Serilog to read its config from appsettings.json: return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .UseSerilog((ctx, config) => { config.ReadFrom.Confi
I have written a function to return an ILogger instance. This way I can get consistent logging in all my code. My problem is that when called from different typ
In serilog, I need to split the information in two files. i.e one file should contain the Information and the other should contain the error. with the below c
I have code that logs to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger (and extension methods, mostly). I have configured Serilog to actually do the logging. I can't fin
I am migrating an app done in net core from Azure to AWS. Backend is an Asp.NetCore WebApi which uses Serilog for logging. I simply put it behind a subclass of
I show my idea on the serilog-timing example. public static void Main(string[] args) { Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .Enrich.FromLogContext
Using Serilog and F# how to use .ForContext with functions? it appears it only accepts type classes: type A()= log = Serilog.Log.ForContext<A>() // c
I'm currently working on a ASP.NET Core 2.1 application and I use Serilog for logging. I want to reload the application settings file for my Serilog implementat
In my ASP.NET Core Web API application I have a Serilog set up to log different types of events (Information, Warning etc) into different tables in a SQL Server
Currently when I use {Timestamp} in an outputTemplate it appears to have been generated by DateTime.Now and therefore being of DateTimeKind.Local flavor since,
I have a .Net Core 3.1 project that uses Serilog and posts messages to Azure Eventhub. The problems started when we moved it to .Net 5. Here's how it's configur
I have deployed a website to a ubuntu machine but unable to get serilog to write to file Here is what I have: In Program.cs (omitted unnecessary parts): public
I configured my project to use Serilog for logging using dependecy injection. I use the following schema in the classes constructor: namespace FlickPopper.API
I'm trying to set up Polly in .Net Core 3.1 (Azure Functions v3). I want to create a Policy in the Startup class which I can inject into functions. The beha
I've created a .NET Core 3.1 project using a Host, the IoC container with IServiceCollection and implemented logging allover the place using the ILogger<T>
How to dynamically set ForContext property for Serilog logger using Ilogger interface from Microsoft.Extensions.Logging? Here's the code: private readonly ILogg
How do I implement outputTemplate that is common to most sinks? For example this works: Logger = new LoggerConfigruration() .WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: