Category "server-sent-events"

How to get Server Sent Events in my Flutter app?

I'm trying to receive SSE data as JSON in my Flutter app. But instead of getting the data I'm getting the following repeated arrays of numbers in my console.

SSE/Redis - how to recover messages sent when SSE goes offline

On a website I have a very simple Live chat setup that uses SSE/Redis and pub/sub structure. The basic setup (without going into details) is: Client-side usin

SSE based Pub/Sub Broker

I would like to have an Http based pub/sub server that messages are published to channels with HTTP POST requests, and subscribed through EventSource (SSE). Bes

Python - Unidirectional websocket

I'm trying to create a unidirectional websocket connection between the client and server (python). The libraries I've currently been prototyping with are websoc

Server-sent events in PHP (without echo or print)

We have built a prototype application in PHP and JS using Server-Sent Events (single AJAX requests, multiple streamed events sent by event handlers in PHP). Ess