Category "serverless"

How to deploy multiple functions using serverless cli?

From the doc, I can deploy a function like this serverless deploy function -f functionName

NestJS and Serverless - handler 'handler' is not a function

I am trying to implement NestJS as a AWS Serverless function using serverless-framework. I was following this official documentation and my code is exactly as i

AWS Aurora MySQL serverless: how to connect from MySQL Workbench

I was trying to use AWS Aurora Serverless for MySQL in my project, but I am impossible to connect to it, though I have the endpoint, username, password. What I

Making A Cloudflare Worker That Tweets Though My Twitter Developer APIs. Can't Get CryptoJS.HmacSHA1 to Create Signature for Fetch Request

I am making a Cloudflare Worker that Tweets from my Twitter Developer APIs whenever I make a blank GET request to the worker. At first you might think "that's e

Use aws sso to execute sls commands

I am running below command to list all the CloudFormation stack outputs. npx sls info --stage $STAGE --verbose Upon executing I am getting below error Process

Chalice AWS Eventbridge

How do i create handler functions (lambdas) that trigger on custom events in a EventBridge event when using AWS Chalice ?