We're using MediatR and inside the Handlers we directly call the Repositories to get/add/delete data. Should we always create a Service that calls the Repositor
I´m trying to test this Angular service which uses af.firestore.collection, not just af.collection, as shown below, so to be able to access the onSnapshot
I try to make micro sever to connect google people API. I do in my local host 'MACOS', everything oke. But after i deploy to server 'CENTOS', server can not ren
Goal: Running a .net 6.0 BackgroundService on Windows that is restarted automatically when an unhandled exception occurs. Minimal example: Program.cs IHost host
I have developed an Android app for recording audio when the phone called. I know, I can't record the audio of the caller person but I want to record my voice w
Mongo DB is called in every 1 minute to insert data. and in between this process, the Mongo DB service is auto-stopped frequently.
What is the difference between @EJB of JEE and @Autowired of Spring Framework? Are those the same thing? And if not, which are the differencies? I have seen t
I am trying to find a service, stop it and then disable it remotely using Powershell. It can find and stop but cannot disable. For disabling, I have to run the
I have a Blazor Project, in the Program.cs(formaly aka Startup.cs) I added a service builder.Services.AddSingleton<Models.UserVisit>();
How can I start an alarm using background services when we receive notification ? When my application is active then background service start easily, but when a
hello friends, i want receive update user location and show in text view only once and remove update location when it received. i must use foreground service f
I'm writing a C application to drive a LED strip on a Linux machine: the application listens on a TCP socket port to receive commands. If the connection is term
Long time ago, at the time of Windows Phone, I created an Azure mobile services and I used scripts to modify data inserted in table. A few days ago, I created a
I'm new to Angular. I have a service that needs to subscribe to a subject provided by another service. If this was a component, I would create the subscription
I am creating a service using ASP.Net Core. The service is based on the ApiController. [ApiController] public class XmlALaCarteServiceController : ControllerBa
Below, I have created a service of name util.service to call in manage-actives-crud.component.ts inside ngOnInit . Saying that everything that is different from
I have gone through all the possible posts and I have not found any solution that works for me (There is no more to see the mess in imports), please help. :( I
I'm building an installable PWA from a CRA. I've added a custom service worker that caches all external requests using the service worker cache API. After the f
Headless service does not bind to new IPs. A pod restart is required. When both zookeepers and brokers restarted at same time brokers are not able to connect wi
I have deployed few services of my application on openshift : E.g., app-ui, app-backend,app-store ,main. I have defined separate routes for these services to ac