I´m trying to test this Angular service which uses af.firestore.collection, not just af.collection, as shown below, so to be able to access the onSnapshot
I try to make micro sever to connect google people API. I do in my local host 'MACOS', everything oke. But after i deploy to server 'CENTOS', server can not ren
Goal: Running a .net 6.0 BackgroundService on Windows that is restarted automatically when an unhandled exception occurs. Minimal example: Program.cs IHost host
I have developed an Android app for recording audio when the phone called. I know, I can't record the audio of the caller person but I want to record my voice w
Mongo DB is called in every 1 minute to insert data. and in between this process, the Mongo DB service is auto-stopped frequently.
What is the difference between @EJB of JEE and @Autowired of Spring Framework? Are those the same thing? And if not, which are the differencies? I have seen t
I am trying to find a service, stop it and then disable it remotely using Powershell. It can find and stop but cannot disable. For disabling, I have to run the
I have a Blazor Project, in the Program.cs(formaly aka Startup.cs) I added a service builder.Services.AddSingleton<Models.UserVisit>();
How can I start an alarm using background services when we receive notification ? When my application is active then background service start easily, but when a
hello friends, i want receive update user location and show in text view only once and remove update location when it received. i must use foreground service f
I'm writing a C application to drive a LED strip on a Linux machine: the application listens on a TCP socket port to receive commands. If the connection is term
Long time ago, at the time of Windows Phone, I created an Azure mobile services and I used scripts to modify data inserted in table. A few days ago, I created a
I'm new to Angular. I have a service that needs to subscribe to a subject provided by another service. If this was a component, I would create the subscription
I am creating a service using ASP.Net Core. The service is based on the ApiController. [ApiController] public class XmlALaCarteServiceController : ControllerBa
Below, I have created a service of name util.service to call in manage-actives-crud.component.ts inside ngOnInit . Saying that everything that is different from
I have gone through all the possible posts and I have not found any solution that works for me (There is no more to see the mess in imports), please help. :( I
I'm building an installable PWA from a CRA. I've added a custom service worker that caches all external requests using the service worker cache API. After the f
Headless service does not bind to new IPs. A pod restart is required. When both zookeepers and brokers restarted at same time brokers are not able to connect wi
I have deployed few services of my application on openshift : E.g., app-ui, app-backend,app-store ,main. I have defined separate routes for these services to ac
I'm trying to use Services and DTOs in my project (trying to learn what they are and how they should be used). First, I had only Controllers, Models and Reposit