Category "shiny"

Rshiny app - overwriting and publishing app

I am having trouble updating a rshiny app on The problem seems to be with the directory. This is what I have now: crime<-read.xlsx("wmsp_lat.xls

Error in deployment of shinyapps Error accessing GitHub repository nstrayer/shinysense. HTTP 401: Unauthorized

I am trying to publish a shiny app, you can see the source code here, it was being deployed correctly until I tried using the shinysense package This is the err

Image not rendering in Shiny Server in docker

Background I'm using another docker image and installing Shiny Server via commands in the dockerfile. The images are in a subdirectory named "www" in the app.R

Using `pool` in an R Shiny package

How can I implement the use of a pool object in an R Shiny application structured like a package? I have structured my package according to the layout described

Traverse a link tree for Shiny dashboard

I am making an interactive Shiny dashboard with typical "drill-down" capability. There are hundreds of thousands of links in the database. I am working on takin

Shiny datatable mode editable - restrict specific columns AND ROWS

I would like to restrict editable mode in datatable for columns and rows. For the moment, in this minimal example, I can edit only specific columns but it doesn

How to disable all Shiny UI elements, including a downloadButton

This answer explains how can one disable/enable all UI elements in a Shiny app. Among the two solutions given, the one I am interested in uses the shinyjs packa

Connect to googlesheets via shiny in R with googlesheets4

I'm trying to use an updated version of this example to connect to a private googlesheet via shiny, and deploy this app on the server. The user is

R Shiny, shinjqui get orderInput after modification

I have an orderInput from the shinyjqui library and I would like the server to set which items are in the orderInput. Afterwards I would like the user to modify

R Shiny, shinjqui get orderInput after modification

I have an orderInput from the shinyjqui library and I would like the server to set which items are in the orderInput. Afterwards I would like the user to modify

How to copy multiple row and column headers in a rendered table when using DT table copy function?

A similar question was posted but never answered: r shiny problem with datatable to copy a table with table head (colspan) When running the below reproducible c

How can I get reactlog to render on its own webpage using flexdashboard?

I am successful in rendering 'reactlog' when I use flexdshboard, but it renders within the dashboard and is way too small in size - even for this minimal exampl

How can I get reactlog to render on its own webpage using flexdashboard?

I am successful in rendering 'reactlog' when I use flexdshboard, but it renders within the dashboard and is way too small in size - even for this minimal exampl

Creating custom rendered footer values i a reactable

I am having a hard time to render my footer column in a reactable. I want to use JS here to access the client-side filtered state, and since iam not too familia

R Shiny: downloadHandler - problem in content argument

I have a Shiny App and want to download a plot as png using a downloadButton and the command "downloadHandler". As you can see in the code below it should use i

I would like to use R Shiny to upload csv data to MySQL table and display

Apologies for the long question. I wrote the following R script to upload/append some csv files i get on a regular basis to a MySQL database. The examples files

How to Authenticate with LDAP in R Shiny App

My company uses an LDAP server for authentication against an Active Directory. I need to authenticate users of a remotely hosted Shiny app using this. I managed

Position DT search box to center of table

I am having a hard time figuring out the code to position the search box from a DT table in a Shiny app to the middle. I'm using a DT extension package, called

How can I store/transfer information from my ShinyApp to a dataframe in my global environment via an action button?

Good afternoon, I am a beginner creating ShinyApps and I would really appreciate if someone could help me to solve the following problem: The purpose of the App

Shiny R - Drop down list constantly resets to first in list when using observeEvent and updateVarSelection

When using observe event and update var selection it resets every time to top in drop down list I have a very large data set, when one unit is selected it fi