How can someone delete the title section in shiny box? Or reduce its height to 0? No I dont want it NULL or ="" library(shiny) library(plotly) library(shinydash
I am making an interactive Shiny dashboard with typical "drill-down" capability. There are hundreds of thousands of links in the database. I am working on takin
I have a Shiny App and want to download a plot as png using a downloadButton and the command "downloadHandler". As you can see in the code below it should use i
Good afternoon, I am a beginner creating ShinyApps and I would really appreciate if someone could help me to solve the following problem: The purpose of the App
I am currently trying to generate a Shiny App that at the press of a button generates and downloads data for a user. I have a user defined function that pulls d
I would like to know if there is any documentation about interfacing golem structure and shinymanager which is a package I use frequently to secure my app. The
The map above renders perfectly fine in the following scenarios: List item RStudio Viewer Shiny app Shiny app using a minimal Shiny dashboard sceleton When
When I run the following app.R file everything works perfectly. library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
My code looks like below where user can select location from sidebarpanel and based on user selection data is displayed in mainpanel. Next, I would like to dyna