Category "shortest-path"

Show that Dijkstra on the potential-modified graph is same as A*

Section 4 of this paper states that it is easy to see that A* is equivalent to dijkstra used on a modified graph where edge weights add the potential from the o

I am confused between shortest path finding algorithm and graph traversing algorithm

My understanding is that BFS and DFS are graph traversing algorithm while other algorithms like A* and dijkstra are for finding shortest path between two nodes

How does boost graph dijkstra_shortest_paths pick the shortest path when there are multiple shortest paths between a specific pair of nodes?

I have an unweighted, undirected network of around 50000 nodes, from this network I need to extract the shortest path between any pair of nodes. I used the dijk

How do I calculate the global efficiency of graph in igraph (python)?

I am trying to calculate the global efficiency of a graph in igraph but I am not sure if I using the module correctly. I think there is a solution that might ma

Google foobar challenge (Prepare the bunnies escape)

I recently received an invitation to a google foobar challenge I am currently on level 3. I've written a code which passes 3/5 test cases and I can't seem to fi

In SPFA Shortest Path Faster Algorithm why does it have to check if current vertex is in queue before adding it to queue?

procedure Shortest-Path-Faster-Algorithm(G, s) 1 for each vertex v ≠ s in V(G) 2 d(v) := ∞ 3 d(s) := 0 4 push s into Q 5 w

Finding the shortest path with only passing specific edge less or equal to one time in Graph

Given a undirected graph that it has ordinary edges and specific edges, our goal is to find the sum of the shortest path's weight between two vertices(start ve

Finding shortest path of undirected weighted graph in prolog

I am trying to do a shortest path for a London underground system inside prolog, and I'm stuck I've managed to get the code to return lists of all the possible