I am getting the following exception when running Xamarin Forms iOS app after upgrade to the latest Visual Studio Mac: {System.TypeInitializationException: The
I cannot setup the logic. I have three values. You know signalr only changing value comes. When i tried to change, every values change. Here is my code part=>
I implemented SignalR Java Client in my Android Project. It works well on Android Versions 6 to 11 but fails on Android 12, I'm getting this error only on Andro
I am trying to use Azure Redis instance as the backplane for my dotnet core signalr application. I need to pull the configuration settings from a database. How
I'm trying to connect to SignalR Service Azure function from a react front end. In front const urlRoot = 'http://localhost:7071/api'; const connection = new
I have gone through Signalr Core documenations and while I understand the feature .WithAutomaticReconnect() What I am curious is does it pass the headers still
I've started playing with SignalR and I don't have an idea how to deal with storing subgroups. Let me draw a picture of a problem that I'm facing. At first I wa
I have a requirement were I need to run SignalR server in Xamarin app, and consume it in web app. As far as I have seen in examples, Xamarin is used as a client
I have a strange problem with signalr and angular. We recently upgraded signalr to use the @microsoft/signalr package instead of the @aspnet/signalr one and we
We have a API with SignalR implementation for chat, reminder and so on. I want to invoke all of methods on my client portal that's on angular without passing hu
I have an ASP.NET Core server, which is using SignalR to generate HTML pages dynamically at runtime through JavaScript. After i shut my application down, in the
After adding SignalR client to my Xamarin Forms app, it started crashing shortly after launching. The error I get is: System.InvalidOperationException Message=E
@section scripts{ <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/microsoft-signalr/6.0.1/signalr.js"></script> } I added signalR CDN
I get an exception from the SignalR client application(Exception thrown: 'System.IO.InvalidDataException' in Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Protocols.Json.dll). T
Server side: public override Task OnConnected() { var connectionId = Context.ConnectionId; var user = Context.User.Identity.Name; // Context.User is NU
I have a problem. I have in my API JWT Bearer authentication. I try to use SignalR hub with authentication but it doesn't work for me. I think I tried everythin
using signalR in Javascript client. (backend is asp.net core). I want to disable the console logging for signalr. basically, to stop this: I have done this (bu