The below code is trying to extract the red, green and blue channel of a pixel value and performing an arithmetic with another set of RGB values. It seems that
The below code is trying to extract the red, green and blue channel of a pixel value and performing an arithmetic with another set of RGB values. It seems that
I recently made a program with C++ and ASM. Can anyone help me make this code a more efficient one , in the ASM part or both. I would really a
I have large in-memory array as some pointer uint64_t * arr (plus size), which represents plain bits. I need to very efficiently (most performant/fast) shift th
Is there an instruction or efficient branchless sequence of instructions to figure out the INDEX of (not the value of) the largest (or smallest) element of an u
I'm trying to implement the following operation using AVX: for (i=0; i<N; i++) { for(j=0; j<N; j++) { for (k=0; k<K; k++) { d[i][j] += 2 *
I read here that Intel introduced SSE 4.2 instructions for accelerating string processing. Quote from the article: The SSE 4.2 instruction set, first implement
Hello Forum – I have a few similar/related questions about SIMD intrinsic for which I searched online including stackoverflow but did not find good answer
I'm looking for an approximation of the natural exponential function operating on SSE element. Namely - __m128 exp( __m128 x ). I have an implementation whic
I'm using fftw on a Mac using Xcode 4.4. In my project, I added the whole fftw source code into the project and tried to compile it. It cannot compile successf