Category "simulation"

How to simulation allow to wait until the next process is resolved?

< This is brief scenario > Patients arrive at ED(Emergency Department). When patients arrive at the ED, they first receive a triage from the nurse. After

How can I keep track of the information of multiple objects where there are various events in Simpy?

I tried to build a simulation model as below, but I got error. Here's my scenario. I have two big areas of hospital. EU (EU1 and EU2) IU (IU1 and IU2) Each bi

Simulate the assembly of parts in Arena Simulation Software

I am simulating an assembly process in Arena. To keep things simple, suppose a model that assigns bags to passengers. Each entity has a different ID (Entity.Ser

Pedestrian arrival rate of 5 per h only 3 showing for 1 h during the simulation. Any reason why?

I'm trying to simulate a pedestrian flow in the entrance of an hospital. We are installing check-in platforms and I want to know how many platforms we should ge

Define agent with parameter (%) and delay time in main is based of it. (Anylogic)

I have a simple model which has a separate Agent called 'Passenger'. Inside the Passenger I have a parameters called 'WITH_CHILDREN' which it's default value is

Generate underlying distribution from bins in python

I found a PDF document describing the income distribution in the US in 1978. Per income range I have the percentage of the population that falls in that income

3D 3-body motion simulation

I am trying to use the velocity Verlet to simulate the 3-body problem. I am 95% sure that I gravitational force formula and the velocity Verlet algorithm is cor

Naming nodes in NS2

I'm simulating a network in NS2, but i'm having a problem naming the nodes. I'm naming them from 1 to 10 but when i start it, it shows nodes from 0 to 9 set ns

Is there a way to save Cloudlet output to a csv file?

I'm working on a project using CloudSim simulation tool for masters. I want to know how to save the output of the printCloudletList to a csv file in NetBeans. A