Category "smalltalk"

how to simplify smalltalk expression by using as less brackets as possible

im new to smalltalk. I and in my online course I got the exercise task to simplify an expreesion: ((7 + 5) + (31 * 8) - (51 * 2)) I tried different things out b

whileTrue in a block closure Smalltalk?

Can you use a whileTrue: inside a block closure? I can't get it to work so I suspect not. Or I am doing something wrong. map := #([1 1 1 1 1] [1 0 0 0 1]

Smalltalk (Pharo) How to interface with the user simply

I stumbled upon Smalltalk and further downloaded Pharo, because it was recommended. My first impression is very positive. I wanted to port some simple programs